Hey KHPlanet, Kingdom Hearts 3D If you haven’t seen or heard about the latest issue of Famitsu Magazine, then you better get on it! Luckily, Kingdom Hearts Planet is here to satisfy. You know what that means? Yes, we finally have new Kingdom Hearts news, straight from Kingdom Hearts’ creatorContinue Reading

As it gets closer and closer to the release of Kingdom Hearts Dream Drop Distance, Square Enix continues to show promise, even more so with more updates, fantastic features and much more just to grab all fans and draw them into the world of Kingdom Hearts. Dream Drop Distance |Continue Reading

I hope that all of you have been waiting very patiently because for this Christmas, you will receive additional, new updates on KH3D and other splendid and tasteful treats as presents for you all. Here is a video trailer on the greatest game to be released! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IPtX25lSRmE KH3D New MemorableContinue Reading

Hello Keybladers! Just a quick update, nothing to big, but in the time of dry Kingdom Hearts news, something is better than nothing.  A bit of footage has been released from the Nintendo Direct Conference which was held in Japan a few days ago. There are not many new scenes,Continue Reading

From the TGS 2011 event, new dream drop distance gameplay videos have been uploaded to the net. Gamespot, on YouTube and their website, have showed off Riku’s story in the Hunchback of Notre Dame level. In addition, KH13 have uploaded Sora’s story in Traverse Town along with a few cutscenesContinue Reading

KH3D And the production of SE is still rolling! While you are still sitting in front of your game system playing a memorable game after learning about the Tokyo 2011 Event and knowing more about KH3D, there are some other games that the company will be racing to finish releasingContinue Reading

Kingdom Hearts 3DS In a press conference for Nintendo, Square-Enix showed a quick glimpse of gameplay from Kingdom Hearts 3DS. The new entry into the series may include the party system from the original PS2 games. However, there are game play mechanics that have not been repeated before such asContinue Reading