Kh MoM logo

 In a recent Famitsu Interview, Ichiro Hazama (KH Series Producer), Masanobu Suzui (KH Melody of  Memory Co-Director), and Tetsuya Nomura ( Kingdom Hearts Series Director) were interviewed  about the development of Kingdom Hearts Melody of Memory. They revealed the games original narrator, pandemic delay issues, plans for DLC, new gameplay screenshotsContinue Reading

Kingdom Hearts Unchained X Famitsu Scans

The latest issue of Famitsu Magazine contains a few Kingdom Hearts Unchained X scans! The scans mentions various features previously announced such as customization, keyblade rankings, the medal system, quests, etc. For a more detailed summary, view below. Kingdom Hearts Unchained X is set to release in September 2015 in Japan.Continue Reading

Kingdom Hearts 3D Famitsu

Kingdom Hearts 3D Dream Drop Distance is featured in Famitsu’s August 13th issue. It would seem that 50 enjoyable titles were selected and recommended as must-plays for the summer on the Nintendo 3DS, and Kingdom Hearts 3D made the cut! I’m no translator, but I’m assuming the game was rankedContinue Reading

Kingdom Hearts 3 Famitsu Scan

Low and behold, Kingdom Hearts 3 has been featured in Famitsu, a Japanese gaming magazine. There are additional screenshots that we’re not shown in the Kingdom Hearts E3 footage and yet another interview from Director Tetsuya Nomura. You can see a snippet of the Famitsu scan below: Kingdom Hearts 3Continue Reading

Kingdom Hearts Unchained X[chi] Scan 03

Kingdom Hearts Unchained X[chi] is making its way overseas! The latest edition of Famitsu Weekly contains a 6-page cover of the game, which you can view below! An interview with Kingdom Hearts creator, Tetsuya Nomura, was also included in the scans. He explains that testing for Kingdom Hearts Unchained X[chi]Continue Reading

Kingdom Hearts 2.5 BBS Scans

Famitsu, one of the most respected video game magazines in Japan, is preparing to publish their next issue, August 21st, with Birth by Sleep Final Mix Scans from the up-and-coming title, Kingdom Hearts 2.5 HD ReMIX, which is a compilation of Kingdom Hearts 2 Final Mix, Kingdom Hearts Birth byContinue Reading

Famitsu Logo | Kingdom Hearts 3 absent from E3 2014

I have devastating news regarding Kingdom Hearts and E3 2014! Ironically, Kingdom Hearts 3 will be absent from this year’s E3 Expo. If you recall from an earlier article that I published, Kingdom Hearts 3 E3 2014, Hashimoto was rumored to have hinted at Kingdom Hearts 3‘s appearance at E3Continue Reading

TWEWY Live Remix

Square Enix has revealed that they have been collaborating with GREE to make a card-based  social networking TWEWY live remix sequel, The World Ends With You: Live Remix. It is to be launched on the smartphone this winter. Little other information has been given about the game, but Famitsu saysContinue Reading

With this year marking the tenth year since the Kingdom Hearts series, which so many have grown to love, began, and with Kingdom Hearts III being considered, there is no better time for the remastered HD collection to be made. Read this interview with the director of Kingdom Hearts, TetsuyaContinue Reading