Tetsuya Nomura, gaming director of the Kingdom Hearts franchise, was a guest recently at MAGIC ( Monaco Anime Game International ) 2017. There, he showed a screenshot revisting the world of Hercules in the city of Thebes. In the screenshot, Sora is depicted in his Power Form fighting yet anotherContinue Reading

Kingdom Hearts Unchained X[chi] Official Website

Kingdom Hearts Unchained X was “officially” announced at E3 Expo 2015. Various screen play annotates the story of the Fortellers and the Book of Prophecies. We also are given a glimpse of the new badge system, which replaced Kingdom Hearts X’s card-based system. It allows players to tap in toContinue Reading

Kingdom Hearts Tribute Album Mickey Donald and Goofy

One of the aspects that makes Kingdom Hearts, so mind-numbingly addictive is the Kingdom Hearts soundtrack. So if I were to mention a Kingdom Hearts Tribute Album, what would be your reaction? Well, whatever it is; start reacting, because the Kingdom Hearts Tribute Album is set to release sometime inContinue Reading

KHPLanet Graphics - Kingdom Hearts Avatars 200 X 200 Sora

This year time seems to be flying past us. It seemed like just yesterday that the San Diego Comic Con started. Back at this years event it was revealed that there would be new Kingdom Hearts II Sora and Roxas Play Arts Kai set to release. Earlier this week HidemiContinue Reading

In 2010, Square Enix released Kingdom Hearts Birth By Sleep, one of the most anticipated PSP games of it’s time. Birth By Sleep tells the story of three young Keyblade wielders Terra, Ventus, and Aqua as they set out to begin their Mark of Mastery exam.  Chronologically, Birth By Sleep is a prequelContinue Reading

KHPLanet Graphics - Kingdom Hearts Avatars 200 X 200 Sora

San Diego Comic-Con came and went last weekend. With it, came some interesting news for Kingdom Hearts fans. At this event, not only was Kingdom Hearts II.5 at the Square Enix booth, but so was Haley Joel Osment.  IGN was able to pull him aside for a quick interview aboutContinue Reading

There is more Kingdom Hearts 2.5 HD ReMIX news besides the announcement of the official box art. The, once Japan exclusive, Kingdom Hearts 2.5 Limited edition has been announced for North America! With the release of Kingdom Hearts -HD 2.5 ReMix- ever closer, it was unsure if the limited editionContinue Reading

Kairi: Useless or Not?

Kairi, the main female protagonist in the KINGDOM HEARTS series, is a character  we have all grew to love (or hate in some cases) has often been questioned about her relevance to the story. With some hardcore fans being pro Kairi , we find just as many fans being completelyContinue Reading

  Kingdom Hearts 1.5 HD ReMIX V-Jump Magazine Scans Hey Keybladers, We have some updated news for Kingdom Hearts 1.5 HD ReMIX. Latley, Kingdom Hearts 1.5 HD ReMIX has been receiving a lot of magazine recognition. V-Jump being one of them. The scan below is from latest issue of V-Jump Magazine. TheContinue Reading

In celebratory of Kingdom Hearts 10th Anniversary, Gangan Comics, a manga imprint of Square Enix, published a festive wallpaper of Kingdom Hearts. Sora, Donald, and Goofy joy-riding in Santa’s sleigh will bring Christmas cheer to your Desktop and(or) other electronic devices. This holly jolly wallpaper can be downloaded below inContinue Reading