Happy Fourth of July From KHPlanet

Fourth of July

If you’re from America or Japan, Happy Fourth of July from the KHPlanet Staff. Enjoy your cook outs, careful with the fireworks, and enjoy your own nations patriotism. Come tell us how you are celebrating/did celebrate Fourth of July on our friendly forums.

Also a reminder that Saturday/Sunday at Midnight the answers to the “KHPlanet 3D Giveaway: Week One” are due then, do you know the answer?

Share fourth of july with us. If you’ve liked what you’ve read here or you dislike it, please comment in the comment section below or we can debate about it on our forums. And lastly if you’re a social media junkie and you like Facebook, Twitter, Tumblr, Devianart, and more, we got those too! So please follow us, tweet, bop, tumble, and roll KHPlanet.com.