Kingdom Hearts Scans – Kingdom Hearts Birth by Sleep Focus Gauge Scans

It’s Christmas and quite fittingly we have a selection of special Kingdom Hearts scans and some new information about the focus gauge display for the upcoming Sony PSP title, Kingdom Hearts Birth By Sleep.
As you can see from the Kingodm Hearts scans, the focus gauge looks a lot like the Kingdom Hearts 2 drive gauge and seems to represent a specialty for each of the main characters Terra, Ven, and Aqua.
Once filled it allows the launch of massive attacks and finishing moves for the character in question. Now despite the Kingdom Hearts scans carrying Sora, we have to remember that this is a prequel to the original Kingdom Hearts. So yes it will probably carry the usual mix of Disney characters but the visibility of Sora is probably for cut scenes only.
At this point there’s not much else we can gather but we’ll keep you posted as new information comes in. On a closing note don’t forget to check out the rest of the Kingdom Hearts scans for the other two Kingdom Hearts games, KH 358/2 days and KH Coded (see below).
Kingdom Hearts Scans – Kingdom Hearts 358/2 Days & Kingdom Hearts Re:Coded

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