Which Final Fantasy Character Should Debut Next?

Final Fantasy Character

One of the coolest things about the Kingdom Hearts series is that Final Fantasy characters from all games and of all levels of importance fit perfectly into the logic of the story, being that all these unique people are from different worlds, just as Sora is. Since we have no real news of a Kingdom Hearts 3 for the PlayStation, it’s no big surprise many of us have mental ideas of what that game might someday be. With all of the new Final Fantasy characters that showed up in the second game, I’ve wondered which would be good additions to the third.

Fantasy Lovin’

Naturally, Final Fantasy VII saw the most love, with appearances from Cid, Yuffie, Aeris, Cloud, Tifa, even Sephiroth, while VIII and X also saw quite a number of characters including, Selphie, ‘Leon’, Seifer, Fujin, Raijin, as well as Tidus, Wakka, Yuna, Rikku, Paine, and Auron. Some of these characters were critical and constant in the Kingdom Hearts story, such as Leon and Aeris, whereas others were introduced for more light-hearted moments, like the Struggle and smack-talk from Fujin and Raijin, whom I always adored when playing VIII. So I ask, who else would fit into Kingdom Hearts?

Sora in the Skies

XII characters have as good a chance as any to make an appearance, although I don’t think Fran would be one of them unless she got a costume change, but does Balthier seem like a reasonable candidate? He is a sky pirate, which could introduce some serious airship action, since Cid is the only other character famous for his sky mobiles, and until just recently, his world was destroyed and he had nothing left. I also think that Balthier’s cocky attitude would be a humorous addition to the game, balancing out Leon’s always serious and grumpy demeanor, not that we don’t love it.

Protection from the Paladin

Cecil from Final fantasy IV would probably be another good choice. At first I thought, maybe he’s a little too dark for what Kingdom Hearts is, but he would be a great leader character, possibly a defender of other survivors who managed to escape from their world before it vanished as well. Despite not being as popular as protagonists like Cloud or Tidus, Cecil was one of the first Final Fantasy ‘good guys’ for a lot of us, playing the game back in the day on the SNES and that long-time love spurred his appearance in other games such as being the leader in Dissidia: Final Fantasy. I picture Cecil’s appearance in Kingdom Hearts being inspiring and awing, giving Sora strength when he may be in a moment of doubt.

Robot Cats are Awesome

I know this one may sound goofy, but I absolutely adore Cait Sith and Reeve Tuesti from VII. I wouldn’t expect his scene to be long, nor very important, but given that there is a strange sense of technology in many of the Kingdom Hearts worlds and Reeve is a scientist, he could fit in relatively easy. If the WRO from Dirge of Cerberus was involved in his plot, I think the storytellers would have a lot to play with. Also, just the thought of Sora wandering into a lab seeing Reeve working on one of his Cait Sith dolls amuses me to no end.

What other Final Fantasy characters could you see working well in the Kingdom Hearts universe?