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upside down question mark

Discussion in 'Fun & Games' started by axelvs.riku, Feb 17, 2008.

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  1. axelvs.riku

    axelvs.riku Member

    ive seen people do the upside down question mark and it bothers me that i dont know how so i started a thread to figure out how!If anyone already knows how, please post it and tell how
  2. me4lingual

    me4lingual Active Member

    dfcf09b517a2f161232fbaa9e30c0001--alt-codes-sign-fonts.jpg I know you probably won't see this, but I figured I would answer your question for any other people curious about this sentence structure phenomenon.

    On the computer, you can obtain this by using the Alt code 0191. Simply hold the Alt key and type 0191 on the number pad. You can also do this with 6824 and 168 it seems, but I personally use 0191.

    Also, I am attaching an image for easy access to it and all kinds of other symbols you can use to make typing that much more fun.

    So, I guess this thread can be closed, then.
  3. Jean McBride

    Jean McBride New Member

    What you do to come back against this? similarly, I also used to get stuck in the same issue.
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