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The Rules of the Game

Discussion in 'The World Ends With You' started by Taboo Sho, Jan 7, 2013.

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  1. Taboo Sho

    Taboo Sho The Math Emperor Staff Member Moderator Content Writer

    Welcome to TWEWY, The World Ends With You. This thread is mainly just a smaller version of the main rules, mostly the ones concerning this section specifically. You should know the basics but let's recap:

    1. Absolutely no trolling.

    2. Be courteous to other members, we want to avoid trouble and conflict

    3. Spam is not tolerated here. We have a spam lounge for a reason.

    4. Flaming is considered harassment which is absolutely forbidden, don't do it please

    5. ANY sort of harassment is forbidden, do unto others as you'd wish others would do unto you, that's the Golden Rule.

    6. No bumping/double posting unless otherwise specified.

    7. Try and keep major debates in the debate section, that's what it's here for! :D

    See the main rules for details, and have fun.

    Enjoy your stay!
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