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The Glow of a Storm (A Poem I Wrote)

Discussion in 'Poetry and Lyrics' started by draco009, Sep 25, 2012.

  1. draco009

    draco009 Dungeon Master

    Author: Me. Andy Kennedy. (Yes this is my actual name)

    Purpose: I need to see that people see that nervous glow inside of me, and everyone else. I feel its important. To me, To the Readers, To everyone really.

    The Glow of a Storm

    I am Storm.
    I Roar, and roll, but want to no more.
    I have the nervous glow you see, and
    It lies inside me.

    I want to show it to the world,
    But all that comes out is pour pour pour.
    This in turn make them hate,
    Whenever I’m around their place.

    I try and try, to make them see,
    This nervous glow inside of me.
    More and more rain comes forth,
    Blinding those who came before.

    I need to let them see,
    This nervous glow inside me.
    As time grew long,
    The wind picked up, tall and Strong.

    They more I try the more they flee,
    They’ll never see the glow in me.
    I move away in tears,
    never looking behind with fears.

    They do not see the nervous glow,
    No matter how hard I try to show.
    But little did he know.
    His nervous glow was a Rainbow.

    Share this with others so that they can know that their nervous glow is not underlooked, not under-shown. It lies in our wakes, where we are; where we were, but we try so hard to show it that it gets left behind. I wrote this because I feel you should all know, Your nervous glow lies not in your wake but right deep inside. Inside of you, your friends, and everyone you greet; You always leave a rainbow after you meet.

    (You don't have to share it, but I have shared it with a bunch of people and have yet to hear their reactions. I want to share this with you all, because I feel it needs to be shared with everyone. Tell me what you think about it.)
    EtherealSummoner likes this.
  2. EtherealSummoner

    EtherealSummoner Lamentations 3:22-26

    ... .... .... ... ... Yuna emoticon:


    I do not even have to worry about two of the grammar problem. I honestly love this. Even I go through something like this when I try so hard to prove something and that ends up becoming a burden on me as I end up carrying someone else's burdens. So right now, I am completely and mentally stable right now and more relaxed. More like a blessed poem for daily life.
  3. draco009

    draco009 Dungeon Master

    Thank You. When I wrote this, i really didn't know at the beginning, what i had. And then as I continued writing, I realized that this was about not just me but everyone who reads it. That's why I have to share it.
    I want people to look at this and realize that everyone is allowed to be themselves.
    Also, I go through this as well, but I feel its meant to happen. People need to realize the glow(or light) that resides in them. I feel people have all of these emotions of good and happiness that are locked up inside somewhere were they cannot see them, but everyone else can.

    Thank you again SB. ;)

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