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Should they stay or should they go? (Immigration)

Discussion in 'Mature Discussion' started by Angel, Feb 5, 2018.

  1. Angel

    Angel Lion Heart Staff Member Administrator

    How do you feel about immigration? Are you willing to house illegal immigrates or send them away?
  2. Kitty

    Kitty I Survived The BG Massacre Staff Member Administrator

    I think we should be compassionate.

    From what I understand, most people who are in the country illegally originally came over legally but overstayed their visas. I think better tabs should be kept on people whose visas are about to expire, and they need to either be helped to renew, be set along the path to citizenship, or deported. If people are caught trying to cross the border illegally, they should be sent packing (but I think they should do this humanely. The stories I've seen of ICE workers dumping water that people have left out for border crossers are pretty disgusting). Because, as I said, it seems like the problem stems mainly from overstayed visas, I think Trump's wall is a waste of money and will do little to fix the issue.

    I don't think ICE should be snatching illegal immigrants up in front of their kids, or lying in wait outside of churches or schools. I don't like the idea of police or ICE agents demanding papers from people just because they look latino or middle eastern. I am disgusted by the news stories of Trump officials stopping pregnant immigrants in holding centers from having abortions. It seems like there's some shady shit going on, honestly.

    I'm kind of conflicted about how I feel about people who have been here decades, or people who were brought here as children. I think families should be kept together as much as possible. I think if the (now grown) children are law-abiding, they should probably get amnesty, or there should be a simple path to legal residence/citizenship. It wasn't their fault that they were brought here and I think it would be cruel to send them back to a place they can't remember, to a place that may be dangerous, where they may or may not have anyone who can help them. With adults, are they law-abiding, and do they positively contribute to society? Do they have roots in the community (family, friends, a business, etc)? Were they working with Immigration to try and get right? If yes, even though they've done wrong, I think they also should probably be allowed to stay. Maybe a fine, maybe a short jail term as punishment, I don't know. But I think allowing them to stay should be contingent on them following the law going forward. If they are required to check in with Immigration monthly, are they doing so? Are they keeping out of trouble? Are they filling out paperwork by the deadlines? The news has had some sob stories lately, you know, "father of four, deported to Mexico after 30 years", and you feel bad until you see that the deportation order was signed because the guy got arrested on a drug charge. If the immigrant can't hold up their end of the bargain and turn things in on time or show up to where they need to be, or they get arrested and charged with a crime, then I think they should be deported.

    I probably have more to say on this topic, but I'll wait until others have posted and I think on it some more.
  3. Become

    Become Resident Tashian Staff Member Moderator Content Writer

    Well then... it seems Kitty and I are on roughly the same wavelength. I feel that the compromises she went over are more than reasonable; a shame that politicians on the USA don't want to think about it that way. I am, overall, in favor of allowing 'dreamers' to stay, under the condition that they have: been productive and stayed out of any major trouble with the law (outside, of course, immigration law, seeing as that isn't their crime to be punished for), and are willing to go through processes to become legal citizens. I also believe that anyone that is set to be deported should be given the benefit of assistance in locating relatives within their 'home' country/countries, that there should be communication between the US and other nations to ensure that people that are being sent back to where they came from aren't just being dropped onto a street corner without a support network. And of course, keeping families together through deportation is an expectation.

    On the whole, I am of the belief that moderating the influx of immigration (especially undocumented) is a necessity in maintaining a working society. A big factor that a lot of stock liberal commentary fails to recognize is that many of the countries they laud for having such high quality of life (under some manner of democratic socialism) also have strong-held laws when it comes to immigration and citizenship. Keeping that element on a relatively tight leash is needed to achieve a lot of what those nations have, such as publicly funded higher education, and single-payer health plans. While the US is a long way off from being able to accept those ideas, making a concession on the matter of immigration and establishing a more secure border is something that has to come before federally funded programs can really come into the conversation.
    Kitty likes this.
  4. Rogue

    Rogue Member

    Those who share no sympathy for them should leave.
  5. mensa

    mensa New Member

    i dont believe in the term illegal immigrants i believe the only illegal immigrants on US soil where the first Europeans who sailed to the new world. now they are all dead.

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