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Roleplay Section Rules & Guidelines (2015 Edition)

Discussion in 'Roleplay' started by Become, Jan 6, 2015.

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  1. Become

    Become Resident Tashian Staff Member Moderator Content Writer

    KHPlanet Roleplay Section Rules & Guidelines
    c. 2015

    Welcome one and all, young and old, and old and new, to the KHPlanet Roleplay Section. In this section, you will be able to engage in text-based roleplaying games, collaborating with other forum members to weave fun, exciting, and intricate stories.

    With collaboration being the key to this section’s success, it is imperative that rules and guidelines be established to ensure that all members participating in role-playing have a fair, fulfilling and enjoyable experience. This thread will serve to present these rules and guidelines, encompassing the section’s code of conduct, the common standards of roleplaying and the standards that our role-playing section is to observe.​

    This Thread Will Include
    1. Introduction & Table of Contents
    2. Roleplay Section Map
    3. Roleplay Section Code of Conduct
    4. Rules of Roleplaying
    5. KHPlanet Roleplaying Standards
    6. Reporting & Disciplinary Policies
    7. Acknowledgements

    Footnote to staff members: This thread is to be left closed to prevent suggestion clutter (one of the big reasons why this draft was posted in favor of the previous thread). Please refrain from posting suggestions and comments directly to this thread. If you have anything to say to either myself (Become), or anyone else that may take over my position while this thread is still in place, kindly do so either by visitor message or private message.
    Last edited: Jan 6, 2015
  2. Become

    Become Resident Tashian Staff Member Moderator Content Writer

    Section I. Roleplay Section Map

    The Role-playing Section here on KHPlanet is divided into four sub-sections. These encompass the Main Roleplay Section, Roleplaying Arena, Original Roleplaying, and Canon Roleplaying. The latter three are all further divided into separate sections for In Character and Out of Character threads.

    Main Roleplay Section. This will be the central hub of the roleplaying section. Here is where you will find this thread of rules and guidelines, as well as growing roster of other helpful and interesting resources for role-playing.
    Arena Roleplays and Arena Out of Character. A sub-section in which members may participate in competitive, combat-centric role-playing. Here is where you may challenge your fellow role-players and host tournament events. New c. 2014, the Arena has its very own out of character.
    Original Roleplays and Original Out of Character. This is the sub-section in which roleplays created exclusively by members, and their out of character threads may be posted.
    Canon Roleplays and Canon Out of Character. This is the sub-section which all roleplays based on preexisting series (example: Kingdom Hearts role-plays), and their out of character threads may be posted.​
  3. Become

    Become Resident Tashian Staff Member Moderator Content Writer

    Section II. Roleplay Section Code of Conduct

    The following points outline the behavior that is expected of all who engage in roleplaying here on KHPlanet. They are points of etiquette and courtesy as to ensure that everyone participating may enjoy a fair and friendly roleplaying experience.

    1. General Forum Etiquette. Any and all rules & guidelines pertaining to conduct on the forum at large is to be adhered to in the roleplay section.
    2. Joining Before Postng. Before a roleplayer can begin posting in a roleplay, they must first have the permission of the roleplay’s gamemaster. They should always check in on the out of character thread for an RP to ensure that their participation is accepted and accounted for. If the roleplay requires the submission of a character sheet, then one must be submitted and approved before a roleplayer can begin posting on the in character thread.
    3. Peanut Gallery Posts. If a member has no intention of a joining a roleplay, then they are expected keep any comments and/or criticisms they may have of it off of its in character and out of character threads. If a member must make a comment or give criticism, they may do so in the form of a visitor or private message to the parties they wish to address.
    4. Constructive Not Destructive. It is expected that all members of the roleplay community here on KHPlanet practice the giving constructive criticism. Don’t simply flame and bash people with insult if they’re not performing at a certain level, or not quite understanding a crucial concept. Rather, be open to offer them advice so that they may improve their roleplaying and/or writing abilities.
  4. Become

    Become Resident Tashian Staff Member Moderator Content Writer

    Section III. Rules of Role Playing

    The following points outline the universal standards that comprise the core rules and standards of any roleplaying experience. They are to ensure that all roleplayers may experience fair gameplay while in character, and to provide a sense of order to the in character experience.​

    1. God-Modding. God-Modding is defined as any action by or quality of a character that serves to make them irrationally over-powered or over-skilled in any manner. Such instances as dodging/tanking all attacks mounted against them (and likewise having attacks stated to always work or connect) and being able to pull skills out of nowhere exemplify god-modding. Such actions are prohibited in common role-play practice. Action akin to god-modding may be permissible at the discretion of GMs for plot reasons; these circumstances should be clearly defined in their roleplay’s out of character any time they arise.
    2. Power Playing & Auto Hitting. A Power Play is any act by which a roleplayer assumes control of a character that is not theirs to control. This shall span the realms of controlling actions, dialogue and thought processes. If a player submitted a profile to play as Cloud and their friend submitted one to play Leon, then the former may not control Leon. Auto Hitting is any instance in which a role-player forces combat damage or direct adversity (such as mind control) upon another player’s character without giving them the opportunity to have their character react to the attack that dealt such damage or adversity. Actions against other players’ characters should always be left open to their response. These such actions may be waived, again by publicly announced permission of the gamemaster, for the purpose of advancing a plotline.
    3. Metagaming. Metagaming involves applying out of character knowledge that you as a roleplayer may possess to your character when they would not, or should not possess it. Tying in with God-Modding, metagaming tends to yield overpowered and over-knowledgeable characters, which may sour the experience of the roleplay. You should never overstep your character’s written/documented knowledge boundaries.
    4. Machine Gun Posting. Machine Gun posting, sometimes called Gatling Posting, is an act by which a roleplayer posts at every possible chance, such as directly after each post made by another player, even when others have yet to post. If you’re in an RP and in a scene with several others, wait several posts before you make a new one, so that everyone can get their piece in.
    5. Separate OOC and IC. At times, you will need or want to post an out of character comment along with your post on the in character thread of a roleplay. All posts made in an IC thread must contain IC material. Any OOC contained within the IC should be kept brief and too the point. As well, these comments should be made separate from the IC content by using parentheses ( ), Brackets [ ] or Braces { }, to enclose the OOC. They are also best kept either at the beginning or end of an IC post.
  5. Become

    Become Resident Tashian Staff Member Moderator Content Writer

    Section IV. KHPlanet Roleplaying Standards

    The following information provides insight to additional standards to which Roleplayers on KHPlanet will be held.

    1. Third Person Narrative. Because roleplays can get filled with many characters, played by multiple people, posts should be made in the third person. This will help from having to constantly discern who “I” refers to. Past vs. present tense shall be determined by the GM.
    2. Minimum Post Length. In effort to hold our role-playing community to an effortful creative standard, we will require that any in character posts meet a minimum length standard. An in character post must be at least one paragraph, equating to 4-5 sentences, and detailed enough as to cover 3-4 lines of text.
    3. Grammatical and Spelling Proficiency. All members of the KHPlanet roleplaying community are expected to strive for proper grammar and accurate spelling when writing narrative passages. For example, writing “he gone down to the docks” should be “he went down to the docks.” Similarly, text talking, such as using “ur” for “your” is, generally, unacceptable. The only exceptions that will be made for this rule will be for highlighting a character’s speech during dialogue or thoughts wherein appropriate vernacular would be necessary, and when sharing the content of a text message sent by a character.
    4. Multi-Posting. Making multiple posts in uninterrupted succession may only be engaged in if: 1) If it is done so in making an announcement or asking a question in an out of character thread that hasn’t been active within the span of at least one week or 2) It is in the use of multiple posts in an out of character thread to organize logistic elements, such as a separate post for updating the roleplay’s character roster, to prevent cluttering the original post.
    5. Dead Threads. A roleplay thread shall be considered dead when its out of character and in character threads have both gone up to two months without posting. Dead threads will be moved to the archives.
    6. Reviving Threads. Out of character threads in which no, or few (approximately 5-10) responses beyond logistic multi-posts have been made, may be requested for revival and retrieval from the archives, provided that there is intent to revive the roleplay. In character threads will only be retrieved from the archives if either the only post made was the original introductory post or if the majority of the original cast returns with the same characters and consent at a majority to simply continue off of the original roleplay. A revived thread will be removed after three weeks of inactivity following its return from the archives. Any revived thread that becomes active will be governed under standard Dead Thread ruling.
    7. Explicit Content. All members must keep in mind that this is forum centered around the fandom of an E10 video game series. As such, roleplayers are expected to use their better judgement when dealing with potentially explicit content, whether it is in terms of language, violence, or sexual activity. Roleplays that may diverge from PG-13 and comparable ratings should be tagged accordingly. Any that stand to compromise the image of the site and forums will be shut down from public play.
    8. Strive Towards Originality. While there’s no argument that in this age, originality can’t always be 100% employed, it is expected that all KHP roleplayers aim to use their own ideas and their own words. Don’t simply copy-paste a pre-existing character, or elements thereof and market it as your own. If you’re writing a profile for a canon character, put an effort into paraphrasing any information drawn from a wikipedia page or other resource. It also important to give credit to the creators of a roleplay you’re running if you are not or were not one of them.
    9. The Gamemaster’s Privileges. The gamemaster(s) of a roleplay withhold the privilege to place and uphold any extra rules or standards they feel necessary within their roleplays, provided that they do not serve to contradict or undermine the rules of roleplaying, the code of conduct of the Roleplaying Section and/or the forums at large and/or the aforementioned standards of the KHPlanet Roleplay Section.
  6. Become

    Become Resident Tashian Staff Member Moderator Content Writer

    Section V. Reporting & Disciplinary Policies

    The information below outlines what is to be expected in situations surrounding members found or believed to be in violation of the rules and standards covered in the above material. It includes a basic reporting procedure for gamemasters and roleplayers.

    1. Gamemasters Are First Responders. Gamemasters hold the responsibility of being the first to respond to rule breaking in the Roleplay Section. They may enforce any personal policies they see fit in terms of warnings and removals from their roleplays. However, if rule breakers continue to undermine their authority, they are expected to report the member(s) at fault.
    2. Reporting Posts. Should an instance of violation of the standards as outlined above result in the reporting of a member, those making the report are instructed to report any postings that precipitated the situation. This shall include any in character post(s) in violation of the rules of roleplaying and/or KHPlanet roleplaying standards and any out of character posts in violation of the code of conduct for the Roleplay Section and/or the forums.
    3. Reporting Roleplayers. If a gamemaster’s efforts should fail to quell violation of rules and/or conduct, the Moderator(s) in charge of the Roleplay Section should be notified as soon as possible. The Section’s Moderator(s) should be the only one(s) notified of the situation; they will report to a higher authority if need be.
    4. Reporting Gamemasters. If a member feels that a gamemaster is being unfair, or have found them to be in violation of the rules of roleplaying, the codes of conduct for the section and/or forums and/or the standards of the Roleplay Section, it is encouraged for members to report this to the Moderator(s) in charge of the Roleplay Section. The section’s Moderator(s) should be the only one(s) notified of the situation; they will report to a higher authority if need be.
    5. Forum Staff As Gamemasters. Any Forum Staff, inclusive of Administrators, Super Moderators, Moderators, and any KHPlanet staff members with permission to to carry out such duties, serving as gamemasters are to confer with another, third-party staff member, before enacting disciplinary actions against anyone within the Roleplay Section.
    6. Ramifications. Any individual or group of individuals found to be in frequent violation of the rules of roleplaying, the codes of conduct for the section and/or forums and/or the standards of the Roleplay Section, shall expect action against them. Any violation of the aforementioned institutions after warning has been given will be cause for infractions and possibly bans on members, either from the Roleplay Section or the forums entirely.
  7. Become

    Become Resident Tashian Staff Member Moderator Content Writer



    There aren’t enough words to express the gratitude due to the roleplayers and staff members ultimately responsible for the guide above. There have been several people in the history of KHPlanet that deserve thanks for their contribution to this Roleplay Section. Many more in the history of the text-based roleplaying craft that deserve appreciation for the time they spent building standards for what, for many, only amounts to a hobby. Great thanks go to these people.

    Specific acknowledgement is due to those responsible for the Rules and Guidelines thread preceding this one; Vox, Requiem and Destiny are especially thanked for the contributions they have made to this element of the Roleplay Section. Thanks is also owed to Kitty for her graciously given proofreading of the above material.
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