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Prompto is a now playable in A New Empire

Discussion in 'Final Fantasy XV' started by me4lingual, Oct 17, 2017.

  1. me4lingual

    me4lingual Active Member

    Last edited by a moderator: Mar 11, 2018
  2. Nova

    Nova A Ghost Staff Member Administrator

    I love this. Prompto should be a lot of fun.
  3. me4lingual

    me4lingual Active Member

    After I scrounge up the funds, I want to buy the package that comes with him. But part of me also can't justify paying nearly $100 for a character. The resources and in-game gold are nice, but I can always earn that the slow way. I just want the choice of playing as Prompto. Especially since Noctis keeps getting captured and banished, which is not fun.

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