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Once Upon A Time

Discussion in 'Poetry and Lyrics' started by Consilum, Apr 8, 2012.

  1. Consilum

    Consilum New Member

    Dismembered Heart

    We were together once upon a time
    You knew that I once called you mine,
    But then you went on and left me alone.
    It feels like my hearts been thrown
    Around and around the empty void that is my soul.

    Your anxiety from your misfortunes had let you to do this,
    And to prevent any further suffering on your part,
    You made it swift.
    I know you really didn’t care at the time, but what about now?
    Are you sorry for doing this?
    The pain still exists,
    You know this, and you still wonder along your life.

    With great pleasure, I will not allow this to continue.
    You have done your last evil deed, and it will not go unpunished.
    Say goodbye to your hubby - say goodbye to him.
    Your life, from now on will be grim.

    A dismembered heart inside me still beats for you.
    It’s too bad that you and I are through.
    Last edited: Sep 6, 2012
  2. EtherealSummoner

    EtherealSummoner Lamentations 3:22-26

    Watch out for the part that I had in bold. It is better to say "You did" instead of "You have done". However, the poetry is quite attracting; a title that sounds as though you are about to tell a fairytale but instead you are talking about betrayal.

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