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Discussion in 'Final Fantasy XII' started by zSoraz, Jul 6, 2007.

  1. zSoraz

    zSoraz New Member

  2. Flare

    Flare New Member

    ^ ehh.. i don't think it's worth the money.
  3. zSoraz

    zSoraz New Member

    I didn't think they were gonna even make an International Version of this. Even though it sold like a bunch, it really sucked.
    Let's see here. Added Features include...
    -English Voice Casting
    -16:9 Mode (Widescreen)
    -Includes Bonus DVD based on the US game
    -Updated Battle System
  4. Flare

    Flare New Member

    ^ Still not worth the 50$ (around that much)
  5. zSoraz

    zSoraz New Member

    It's $70, like every other Japanese game. ;) But if you want it early you will have to pay $80-90. Like you said tho, it's not worth it. :D
  6. Flare

    Flare New Member

    That is really ridiculous.

    -an updated battle system wouldn't be worth that much.

    -and I'm pretty sure that the DVD will be on the internet soon.
  7. zSoraz

    zSoraz New Member

    I'm sort of interested in seeing a video on this new battle system than the DVD. I got the Collector's Edition of Final Fantasy XII and the DVD wasn't real good. But I got it at the same price as the reg. version. XD Gamestop was having a sale and I got the last one. Mwahahaha! :D
  8. Flare

    Flare New Member

    ^ Either way. The new battle system isn't worth that much.
  9. crazykh

    crazykh New Member


    dude do you even know what its about and how did you know they are coming out in aug 9 its in the future
  10. Destiny

    Destiny Guest

    Well he may have his source, plus please look at the age and date of this RP, 358/2 Days was supose to be an international release backk in Febuary but was post poned, that's what happened probaly here.

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