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Moonlight: Descendants of the Curse

Discussion in 'Original Roleplays (IC)' started by Nova, Mar 7, 2017.

  1. Nova

    Nova A Ghost Staff Member Administrator

    [This are the IC. I'll make my opening when I get to my computer.]​
    RebelMurf likes this.
  2. RebelMurf

    RebelMurf Hero of the Wild

    It was raining heavily that night. Thunder had crashed in the sky and lightning flashed bright. Ryker had finished a day of training and was returning home when he smelled the blood. His first thought was that he was still bleeding from the cut he’d gotten during his fight, but that would have healed by now. That and the smell was overwhelming. Thunder crashed again when the realisation struck home. Ryker ran as hard as his legs could carry him. When he arrived there were several people already there. “You don’t want..” Ryker ignored the man pushing past him into the house. He was right. Blood stained the walls and carpet a dark red. Furniture had been crushed or smashed. There was broken glass scattered around. But none of that mattered. There, slumped against the wall, body mutilated near beyond recognition lay his mother.

    “Some more coffee sir?” a woman asked snapping him back to reality. “Please” Ryker replied pushing his cup towards her. “Anything else I can get for you?” He shook his head and she began walking away. “Actually” Ryker began. “Yes?” The woman asked turning around. “The Cruz family, what happened to them?” The woman seemed perplexed and disappointed by his question but Ryker was unaware. “Animal attack” She said as a matter of fact. Ryker was silent expecting her to carry on her story, but she simply turned away. “Know any details?” he asked. “Are you some sort of cop or something?” Ryker finished off his refilled coffee “Or something”. Standing up he put on his long trench coat and buttoned it up. He threw a bill onto the table and made for the door. “Lousy tip” He heard the girl say under her breath. “Poor service” He replied loud enough for her to hear. He didn’t wait for a response as he opened the door and stepped out into the cool windy day. Reaching into his breast pocket he took out his pack of cigarettes and put one in his mouth. Replacing the box he reached into his trouser pocket taking out a lighter. He wasn’t a fan of smoking, but it was the only thing that dulled his sense of smell enough to make towns and cities bearable.


    Ryker stood looking at the houses along the street. His own childhood house looked run down, weather beaten, derelict. An eyesore when compared to its neighbour. The Cruz house almost looked as immaculate in comparison. It had also been abandoned for quite some time. The door had been replaced and police tape still guarded the entrance. Ryker looked up and down the area. It was a quite neighbourhood located on the edge of town. Woods backed the houses along his street and Ryker smiled at old memories of him and Reigna sneaking to the edge of the woods to play, delighted that the two of them had never been caught. Thinking back Ryker realised that his mother would have known. She would have kept a careful watch, but she never said anything. Ryker went through the gate into the back yard. The back door was boarded up and after a quick inspection he realised he couldn’t get in through any of the windows without breaking them. Taking a chance Ryker walked so he was standing under the balcony. At the height it was, it was impossible to reach without a ladder. For a human at least; taking off his coat Ryker crouched low and with a grunt he jumped. Catching the railing Ryker pulled himself up and straightened his shirt. Testing the door he was pleased that his suspicion had been correct. The door opened and Ryker was greeted with a familiar scene, it had been years since he had been in this room and it brought back familiar sense of security. Taking a moment to look around Reigna's childhood room Ryker noticed a picture of the two of them on her desk. Picking it up he wiped the dust from the glass cover and smiled at the image. Reigna had asked him to paint with her and things had gotten out of hand. The two of them were a complete mess by the end of it all. Replacing the picture he made his way down stairs. The house, for the most part was how he remembered it. When he turned into the hall he saw the first of the after math of the supposed animal attack. Someone had dragged themselves or been dragged into the hall. The wood flooring was discoloured, even after the cleaning. Looking around Ryker couldn’t find enough to get an idea of what happened. He tried to catch a scent of something but the ammonia used to clean the place was the only prominent smell. Frustrated Ryker went through to the family room and sat on the couch. It had been a few days since he last slept and the coffee had worn off. Looking around the room absently Ryker noticed some pictures he’d never seen on the mantle above the fireplace. Looking at them he saw Reigna in her graduation gown with her proud parents standing beside her. The next picture was of Reigna herself with what Ryker assumed was an acceptance letter. The Stanford jumper she was wearing let him know where she’d been accepted to. ‘Must have been disappointed that she didn’t get Yale’ he thought to himself. That had been where her parents had studied. ‘If I’m lucky she’ll still be there’.
    Last edited: Apr 29, 2017
    Nova likes this.
  3. Nova

    Nova A Ghost Staff Member Administrator

    "...the dead rose and became a plague on humanity in the villages all across the southern border of AZ. They sustained themselves by drinking the blood of the living, and formed a clan of their own. When all hope seemed lost, one tribe had finally had enough. Known as the Mohegan tribe of the South, they were quite close nit and were rumored to have great power due to their deep understanding of nature and (legend says) connection with the spirit world. They all began collecting as much of a single precious herb they could possibly find. This herb is now known as-"

    "-Can anyone tell me what we would prescribe our hypothetical patient? Miss Cruz how about you?"

    The sound of her professor suddenly addressing her by name jerked Reigna out of her reading unexpectedly. Having not really been paying attention, and caught off guard, she blurted the first word that came to mind, "Wolfsbane!"

    She didn't need to hear the snickers of her fellow students to know how wrong she was. A warmness started to prick at her cheeks as her instructor, a middle aged man with round Harry Potter-esque glasses and graying red hair, rolled his eyes. "Close maybe if athlete's foot was a symptom of Vampirism. Anyone else?"

    The girl sitting to Reigna's right side raised her hand and was called on "Miss Montgumary?"

    With a rather snide look at Reigna in the form of a turn of her head that caused her perfectly straightened brown bob to sweep across her pale face, the girl snickered and then looked back to the instructor "The answer is an anti-fungal sir. Though there are plenty of over the counter options available to our patient. So I din't see why they would bother seeing us about it in the first place."

    "That's correct! Thank you Nicole!"

    Reigna simply mimicked her neighbor's snarky attitude into her open laptop. Nicole Montgumary was known to be somewhat of a snobby know-it-all. The last half hour of her class went by without incident. A majority of the students all filtered out rather quickly. As usual, Reigna waited for a majority of the crowd to dissipate before standing herself, putting her books and laptop into her bag. She slung the strap of her back over her shoulder and started to follow the last remaining students out the double doors of the lecture hall. But she was interrupted just as she neared the door by the sound of someone speaking to her. "Tough luck back there." Reigna turned her head to the source of the statement. A young man, about the same height as Reigna with a fro of black hair, a scruffy goatee, and thick black glasses. He wore a tee shirt representing some Anime Reigna had never heard of. He had a fairly worn down look to him, like he was in a bit of a sleep deficit and looked at Reigna clearly waiting for an answer.

    She signed, walking with him out the doors and onto campus. She sighed, smiling sheepishly "I know. Doesn't he understand I sit in the back because I don't want him to ask me questions."

    "Yes well there's that. And what kind of moron thinks a vampire would give two shits about wolfsbane."

    Reigna laughed "Well yes that too."

    "So, she does smile." the classmate reached out a hand to shake hers "The name's Jacob Newman."

    "Don't get used to it." Reigna shot back, shaking his hand "Nice to meet you. I'm Reigna."

    "You got a last name, Reigna? Tell you what, why don't you tell me over coffee? I'll buy. It's the least I can do after what happened in class."

    Reigna cocked her head, scrunching up her face as if considering it. Before she smiled "Some other time, maybe. I have a class right after this. Thanks though."
    RebelMurf likes this.
  4. RebelMurf

    RebelMurf Hero of the Wild

    Ryker had been travelling a long while he’d been fortunate that he found a truck driver willing to give him a lift. His name was Gus. He’d been very happy for the company on the long drive. The drawback was the man smelled awful. Ryker could tell he hadn’t washed in at least four days. Fortunately he allowed him to smoke at the cost of sharing a cigarette every once in awhile which helped dull his senses. Ryker also used it as an excuse to lower the window allowing some fresh air into the cab. They had pulled up at filling station so that Gus could restock with what Ryker assumed was his only source of food other than the many drive-thru the man obviously frequented. He had returned from his little excursion and climbed into the cab with some effort. “That should hold us for awhile” the man smiled at Ryker as he put down two bags worth of junk food and drink. “Help yourself”. “Thanks” Ryker replied looking through the bag closest to him. It was as he suspected, nothing sustaining to eat. He picked up a bag of jerky and began slowly eating it. That was another complaint Ryker had. The man ate so loudly. Even without his enhanced hearing Ryker assumed that the man would be considered loud. “About an hour out now” Gus said. A slight nod was his only response. “You don’t say much do ya?” Ryker was going to leave it as a rhetorical question when the man added “You running away or something” “No” was his response after the question hung in the air a little too long to be considered comfortable. “You in trouble with the police?” “No” “So, you ain’t running away, you ain’t in trouble with the police, you looking for someone?” “Yeah, you could say that” “Aha!” The man shouted with enthusiasm, “I knew I’d get it!” “A girlfriend?” the man asked after awhile his curiosity clearly getting the better of him. “An old friend” Ryker replied. “Is this friend a girl?” “Yes”. “Woo!” The man shouted all too eagerly. “Who says romance is dead!” he said slapping Ryker on the arm.

    * * *

    It had been a long hour. The man had decided that he had to bring Ryker to the college in the name of young love. Ryker had tried to talk him out of it but he was having none of it. They pulled up outside and the man seemingly without shame sat on his horn for too long. “That should get her attention!” He said to Ryker who was none to impressed. “Thanks”. Gus smiled at him with a big dopey grin. “For your trouble” Ryker said handing him a few notes. Gus’s smile grew bigger and Ryker jumped out of the cab before he could do or say anything more. He had walked a good distance when he heard the cab door open and Gus bumble his way down. “Hey! Hey kid” he shouted. Ryker feigned ignorance and kept walking. “Kid!” he heard Gus yell again and he could hear that he was jogging to catch up to him. Relenting Ryker turned around and waited for the man to catch up. “Yes?” He said once Gus had reached him. “What’s this?” Gus breathed out of breath from his physical exertion. “It’s not enough?” Ryker asked. “Its two hundred bucks kid, you could have flown here for that price!” “I don’t like planes” Ryker said dryly. “You sure you can afford this?” Gus asked. “Yeah” “Damn, kid. Well thanks.” Gus smiled his big dopey smile again. Ryker turned to walk away, “Hey kid” Ryker sighed and turned around. “Your good in my book, you ever stuck or need something feel free to give me a call” He said handing him a worn down business card. Ryker took the card and put it in his pocket and reluctantly shook Gus’s extended hand. “Thanks” He said. “No kid, thank you, now go find your lady love!” Gus walked away whistling a tuneless tune.

    Ryker thought about looking for Reigna, but after a moment’s thought decided he’d better clean up first.
    Last edited: Apr 29, 2017
    Nova likes this.
  5. Nova

    Nova A Ghost Staff Member Administrator

    Reigna started walking back to her dorm equipped with a bag full of homework she fully intended to bury herself in for the remainder of the day. As she reached the street that ran through the edge of campus, she stopped, and allowed a large truck to pass.
    Through the open window, she saw the large greasy looking driver singing loudly- and off key- to a trendy pop romantic song on the radio. The sight was slightly humorous and she laughed silently to herself as the truck passed and she continued across the road toward her dorm. She didn't get far, before she heard a familiar voice calling behind her.

    "Reigna!" a rather cool female voice called out to her. At first, she wasn't sure if it was really her own name that was called out. And she continued walking as though she hadn't heard anything. But whoever had called to her was quite persistent.

    "Hello, Reigna! Hey wait up!" she heard the voice much closer this time and paused, turning to see that someone was indeed trying to catch her attention. A young woman about Reigna's same height, and age, was rushing toward her trying to catch up. Her head was covered in tight blonde curls that bounced around her shoulders as she ran. The bridge of her nose and her cheeks were spotted with dark freckles. Her eyes were hazel colored and she wore tight fitting, trendy clothing.

    "There you are, roomie! I've been looking all over for you. I thought we agreed you'd meet me at the ARK." the confident blonde boldly put an arm around Reigna's shoulders and began walking with her-half dragging her- in the same direction that Reigna had been walking before.

    It took a few steps but Reigna managed to catch her footing and match her roommates pace. "Elise, we've been over this." Reigna sighed "You telling me to do something does not automatically mean we are in agreement. Besides I thought you had class until late tonight."

    Elise flashed one of her all to well known dazzling smiles as she shook her head "Of course not! We've got something way more important to get ready for tonight." She studied Reigna's face, and her shoulder's visibly slumped with disappointment as she scoffed "You really have no idea what I'm talking about, do you."

    Reigna pursed her lips, rolling her eyes "Do I even want to..."

    "You know! The Howl! You promised you'd go with me and it's tonight! Don't be dumb."

    Reigna frowned, she knew exactly what Elise was talking about. Of course, how could she forget. It was October, the month of Halloween. When everyone on campus would gather at one of the frat houses, dressed up, get drunk/high, etc... It was one of the biggest annual parties known to the whole school. She shook her head "Really you were serious about that? You know I have homework and..."

    Elise was not having it with the excuses "Look." she stopped, wheeling around in front of Reigna and taking hold of her shoulders. "Reigna, I know this is a tough time of year for you, with your parents and all..."

    October was the anniversary of Reigna's parents accident's, and she usually uncharacteristically moody during this whole time of year. So Elise wasn't wrong, but Reigna still found it a bit blunt "...watch it." she warned, still trying to be polite.

    "...All I'm saying, is that maybe it would be good for you to not mope alone in our dorm tonight of all nights." Elise finished, taking the hint and easing back with her tone.

    Reigna sighed, noticing the darkening of the cloudy sky. "You're really not going to take no for an answer are you?"

    "Nope!" Elise brought back her normally cheerful grin, took Reigna's hand, and once again led the way toward their dorm "Now come on. I already put your costume together. You're going to love it."
    RebelMurf likes this.
  6. RebelMurf

    RebelMurf Hero of the Wild

    Ryker had gone to a small shop and bought himself a fresh set of clothes. He had gone to a local gym where he used the showers and had gotten himself changed. It had been awhile since he’d had an opportunity to wash and after the journey it had been such a relief to finally feel clean. His soiled clothes were in the shopping bag and he threw them in the bin keeping only his jacket as he began walking back to the university.

    The sun had set by time he arrived. He found himself wondering if what he was doing was the right choice. He had thought of reuniting with Reigna a thousand times. There were times that she recognised him immediately and she was nothing but happy to see him. They would talk for hours, other times she was hurt that he had never made contact before but after some explaining she would forgive him and life would continue as normal. Then there were the few that she was angry with him and wanted nothing more to do with him as she had moved on with her life. That was his least favourite scenario. He had had these different thoughts so many times but it always lead to the same reality. She wouldn’t know who he was, it had been eight long years since they had seen each other, and Ryker had changed, a lot.

    Ryker had been so lost in thought that he wasn’t aware of anything. That is until a strange howling noise snapped him back to reality. He stopped where he stood waiting to see if the sound came again. A breath later it came happened, closer this time and moving towards him. Ryker ran determined to find the source of the howling before it found him. It came again this time from right around the corner. Ryker skidded to a halt rounding the corner only to be met by three guys.

    “Shit man” One of the guys said noticeably jumping, “Scared the crap out of us” Two of the guys were holding the third between them carrying him, he was blissfully unaware of Ryker’s presence. The guy in the middle let out another howl followed by a fit of laughter. “Sorry mate” the third guy said, “Drunken asshole is taking howl party a little too literally” he said patting the middle man with his free hand.

    “Howl party?” Ryker asked of none of them in particular. “Yeah man, a little down that way, follow the noise, you can’t miss it” One of them said smiling at him. “Good drinks going, oh and the babes. Enough to get you really howling eh Jake?” The middle man let out another howl and the three laughed. “You should go man you look like you could use some fun. We’re going to drop this guy home and head back out. It’s only getting started, but someone doesn’t know his limit” Jake let out another little howl and the three of them began making their way home pleased with how the night was going. Now that he was paying attention Ryker couldn’t believe he hadn’t noticed it before. The party was loud and could be heard even without heightened hearing. Ryker pulled out his cigarettes and lit one. Nothing smelled worse than a bunch of drunken sweaty people in one area.

    He didn’t know if he’d find Reigna there. But it was worth looking into. “Who knows, it might be fun” He thought to himself.
    Last edited: Apr 29, 2017
    Nova likes this.
  7. Nova

    Nova A Ghost Staff Member Administrator

    "Stop fidgeting! You look fine." Reigna barely heard Elise scold her over the booming of the music coming from inside. From where she stood at the threshold of the massive stone house. The Beta Theta Pi house was usually always a massive source of noise pollution during the school year. But never quite as much as it was during the Howl. Everywhere she looked Reigna could see costumed people brandishing red solo cups containing cheap alcohol. She tugged at the tight red dress Elise had lent her uncomfortably while pulling the red cloak forward to cover herself somewhat.

    "Are you serious? Where did you buy this thing, the children's section?" she complained.

    Elise only laughed "Oh you're such a virgin it's adorable." she mocked, adjusting the fuzzy headband featuring cartoony wolf-like ears and adjusting her own undersized attire. "Now quit your bitching little red. Let's go find something to drink!"

    Reigna felt Elise's hand wrap around her wrist and before she knew it she was once again being pulled forward into the sea of people. "Why is it you always feel the need to drag me around like this?" she sighed, stumbling on her heels slightly before she managed to catch her footing and catch up to Elise's pace. Her roommate either didn't hear her complaining or ignored it as they reached a massive counter in the kitchen area.

    "There we go. This ought to loosen you up a bit." she said in a lighthearted tone handing her a plastic cup and taking one herself. Reigna whirled the dirty-water looking liquid around eying it with a frown before taking a small sip. It smelled foul and tasted worse, but Elise was right. If she was going to be here for a while, she might as well have a drink. Elise was much less dainty about it, taking a much bigger swig before putting her empty cup down and gazing around the room for more people she knew.
  8. RebelMurf

    RebelMurf Hero of the Wild

    Ryker had been at the party for a little while now. People had ignored him for the most part as he wandered around the house. That was until he was challenged to a game of beer pong. He had politely declined the offer but the persistence of those around him saw him conceding and he took his position at the end of the table. Letting the other guy go first he watched as the ball landed in the cup. Those around the table laughed with and joked at the guy who missed. Then all eyes were on him. “You’re up guy” his opponent said smiling. Ryker suspected him to be quite drunk already by the way he talked. “What are the rules?” He asked. There were a few sniggers from people around him. “Ignore them handsome, the rules are simple” a blonde woman was saying to him. She gave him a quick rundown of the game bringing herself quite close to him. “So, I need to drink because he got it in the cup?” “Yep” “And then I throw the ball in the cup he has to drink?” “Yep” “I bounce the ball off the table and he has to drink two?” “You got it again” She said smiling at him. “And if all his cups are gone I win?” “You are good!” She laughed. “It can be tricky, watch I’ll show you how”. She took the ball from him and stepped up to the table. Throwing it in a nice clean arc it landed in a cup. “Woo!” She celebrated turning around to face him. “You want to give it a go?” “Sure” Ryker threw the ball; it bounced once off of the table and landed cleanly into a cup. There was a moments silence and then the girl cheered beside him and hugged him around the neck. “Impressive” the guy said taking two cups and setting to drinking them. He took a few minutes and meanwhile the girl was still hanging off Ryker. “My names Elise, What’s yours?” She asked. “Ryker” “Oh, nice. Are you an exchange student?” “No” Ryker replied smiling. “It’s his shot now right?” “Yep, you get to defend.” “Defend?” “If a shot is bounced or hits a cup you can try and stop it from going in” “Only once it’s bounced or hit a cup. I can’t catch it in the air?” “Nope” She said again smiling. Ryker noticed how pretty her face was and caught himself staring. Elise didn’t seem to mind as she looked back at him. Ryker suddenly felt himself turning red and tugged at the collar of his shirt. Clearing his throat he turned his attention back to the table but could still feel her eyes on him. The man not wanting to be outdone bounced the ball off the table, Ryker caught it smoothly before it went into a cup. “Nicely done!” Elise said putting her hand on his shoulder. Ryker tried another bounce shot but a wild swing knocked the ball away. “You could always try a trick shot” “Trick shot?” “Yeah, so if you try bouncing it off the wall into a cup it’s known as a trick shot. They can be really hard though” Ryker heard a slosh as the ball landed in one of his cups. A small group let out a cheer while some others let out a small booing. Taking the cup Ryker drank. The stuff smelled awful and tasted worse, but he had to admit he was enjoying himself. He took the ball and lined up his shot. The guy getting ready to block, Ryker feigned a forward throw but at the last moment threw the ball to his right letting it bounce of the wall and into a cup. A loud cheer went up and Elise again hugged him around the neck. “I think you were lying” She laughed. Ryker looked at her confused. “You’ve defiantly played before” They smiled at each other.

    The game continued in this fashion for awhile. Ryker would block a shot and then counter with a trick shot of some sort, revelling the cheers and shouts of support that went out for him. Soon the man was out of cups and Ryker had won. “Alright, alright” the guy said slurring his words quite a bit. “Rebuttals time”. “He gets to throw the ball and try get them into your cups without you defending. He can do it as many times up until he misses a shot” Elise told Ryker. “Go for it” Ryker said smiling having too much fun to worry about the finer details of what was going on. They watched as the man lined up his shot. Closing one eye and leaning unsteadily over the table. Just as it seemed he was about to throw he lost his balance and fell. A loud cheer went up and Ryker raised his hands in victory. He picked up a drink and downed it which resulted in more cheering. Finishing he threw the cup in the air and let out a small howl. Those around him joined in, Elise howling in answer and laughing with him. “We should dance”. She brought him into the middle of the living room which had been cleared of most of its furniture leaving room for dancing. Elise began moving to the music almost hypnotically so. When she realised Ryker wasn’t moving she took his hands in hers and started moving his arms with hers. “Move your feet!” She shouted laughingly over the music. Ryker watched those around him, moving this way and that. He started slowly at first and when no laughed he picked up the pace. The two danced for a few songs when Elise came close to him again. She brought her lips up to his ear. “I need a drink” She said taking his hand and walking him to a table. She poured a blue drink into two glasses and handed him one. She drank hers quickly smacking her lips as she finished. He followed suit and his face scrunched up. It was sickly sweet and he had to stop himself from retching. He heard Elise’s laugher and found himself smiling. “Hey, you want to get out of here?” It took him a minute to realise what she was suggesting and he nodded dumbly at her. She took his hand again and they were on their way.

    They were standing outside her dorm damp from the rain. It had been a dark evening and the rain had started shortly after they left the party. Opening the door Elise invited him inside. “Make yourself comfortable for a minute; I’m going to freshen up” “You have anything to drink?” Ryker called to her as she made her way to her room. “Check the refrigerator”. Ryker opened the fridge and saw a few bottles of water in the door. Taking one out he closed it and saw it was covered with magnets, some holding up notes or takeaway menus. Then a picture caught his eye. He took it from the fridge and looked at it. Two girls stood next to each other big smiles on their faces. He turned it over and saw a small note on the back. “Elise and Reigna’s new dorm room!” it read. His breath caught in his throat as the realisation washed over him. Putting the picture and water on the counter he headed for the door. “I have to go!” he called to Elise. “What?” she replied not sure what she head. Ryker ignored the question and opened the door. Stepping out he nearly collided with someone. “Sorry” he said stepping back into the room. He swallowed hard. Reigna stood in front of him.
  9. Nova

    Nova A Ghost Staff Member Administrator

    It didn't take long before Elise decided on where to go next. Though the room was a wash of chaos, it was mostly centered around a few key areas. At the moment, the most busy of those areas was a table where a group of people were playing drinking games. Elise didn't normally pay those areas much mind. But she couldn't help but notice a mysterious stranger who seemed to have wandered over there. Having been to almost all social gatherings on campus, Elise had grown used to seeing mostly the same people showing up every time. But she could swear she'd never seen him before. She nudged Reigna, "Hey, do you see the guy over by the table?" Being a bit shorter than Elise, Reigna had to stand on her toes in order to see over the masses between her and where Elise was looking. "Which one are you talking about?" "The cute one with the brown hair. Looks a bit lost. Have you seen him around before?"
    Reigna noticed the person Elise was referring to watching a group of guys playing beer pong. Surprisingly enough, there was something oddly familiar about him. But it was a big campus, and she rarely ever attended these damned parties. So she reasoned she'd probably seen him in passing once or twice. She shrugged, leaning against the counter "Vaguely. Maybe he's new or something." "Yeah, I thought so too." Elise said, fixing her hair. "I'm going to go talk to him."
    "Of course you are." Reigna chuckled, "At least tell the poor guy your name before trying to drag him off to your lair though, ok?" Elise feigned offence before she shot Reigna a sly grin "That isn't the way of the big bad wolf now is it." she pointed to the silly ears on her head and Reigna rolled her eyes as Elise took off toward the table.

    For a moment, Reigna just sort of stood there and looked around the room. She could honestly say nothing going on really held much of her interest. So, with no other good plans coming to mind, she decided to explore. Picking up another solo cup from the counter, she walked up the grand stair case near the foyer and down the hall. She found much of the same on the second floor as she pushed her way through a group of girls consoling one tearful drunk friend talking about some guy.
    Near the end of the hall, the chaos seemed to recede a bit. There was still music blaring so loudly it shook the walls. But it wasn't quite as crowded. The air was thick with a sweet smelling smoke and someone had replaced all of the lights with black bulbs. But the general feeling of the people around was much more relaxed. To her right, Reigna found an open entryway to what looked like a reading room of some sort. It had a window seat to the back and Reigna made her way toward it and settled in. She pulled out her smartphone and did some reading. The thought had crossed her mind of just going home. But she decided to wait for a while. She knew her roommate. The guy she had set her sights on was handsome, there was a high chance she would bring him home. And as much as Reigna didn't mind, she also didn't want to be home when they got there. It was always better to sneak in later.
    "Oh, you again."

    Reigna looked up to see a familiar face standing over her. His black curls were more styled now, and he was clearly at least a little high. But he looked about the same as when she saw him earlier. It was the same guy that she met after class earlier that day.
    He grinned, taking a seat next to her and resting his elbows on his knees. "You're not following me are you?" he teased.
    Reigna scrunched her face a bit "Nah, as much as I love stalking strangers, you aren't really my type."
    "Ouch." he chuckled placing a hand over his heart. "Well, as long as you're here..." he took a roll of some kind of herb out of his pocket and handed it to her.
    "No, that's ok. I don't do that." she pushed it back. "Thanks though."
    "You don't smoke, but you're hanging out in the cloud, why?" he raised an eyebrow. "You sure you aren't just following me?"
    She shoved him lightly "Of course not." she laughed "It's just quieter up here." "Hmmm" the guy rubbed his chin "This isn't really your scene is it?" "What was your first clue?" Reigna stretched a bit.
    He laughed, "Well, do you want to get out of here?" "Oh, I don't-" "I don't mean like that." he waved a hand awkwardly. "Come on, I'll walk you home." he stood up "Maybe I can get that last name out of you on the way."

    Reigna considered it before finally taking his hand and allowing him to help her stand. "Ok, fine, you're on." the two of them walked together mostly in silence through the crowd before stepping out into the night. "So... do you mind if I ask you something?" "Besides that?" Jacob laughed "Right, you always this sassy?" "Was that your question?" Reigna countered without missing a step. "Ok, fine. The question is what a girl like you was doing looking up the supernatural during class. No offence, but you just don't seem like the type."
    "Oh? I'm a type?"
    "Yeah. You're beautiful, studious, seemingly down to earth. Let's be real, you're probably at the top of most of your classes. Not really the kind of girl you'd expect to be googling wolfsbane in her free time, let alone during a lecture."
    "Beautiful huh?" Reigna smirked and Jacob seemed to feel awkward again as he looked down and scratched the back of his head. "You know what I mean." he countered.

    Reigna laughed before giving his question legitimate thought. She couldn't exactly tell him her reasons, she couldn't even make sense of what her beliefs were herself. Before she could answer, though, she felt a drop of water land on her cheek. She reached up to wipe it off while looking up just in time to be pelted with a sudden rain storm.
    "Oh Shit-" she heard Jacob say as he took her arm and the both of them ran to find cover under a tree that stood next to the walk way. As they made eye contact, both of them bust into laughter as Jacob moved to clean the water off of his glasses and Reigna rang out her hair somewhat. She sat down in the grass and Jacob did the same, leaning back against his elbows. "Guess you're stuck with me for now."
    Reigna shrugged "I guess so." she laughed. "To answer your question, I guess it comes from where I grew up. Some of my neighbors were superstitious." it wasn't entirely what sparked her interest, but it was at least a truth. "What about you? How do you know a vampire wouldn't care about wolfsbane?"
    "I had superstitious family too." Jacob paused before adding jokingly "Besides I'm a huge fan of the Twilight series."
    "Yeah, I'm sure." Reigna pandered. She got to her feet while brushing off the grass from her clothes "Doesn't look like this rain is going to stop any time soon. Should we go?"
    Jacob stood up, "Yeah, ok. But here-" he took off his suit coat and put it over her shoulders. As she looked like she was about to protest, he added "That dress is hot and all. But it's a bit thin to get wet if you get what I'm saying. Besides you look freezing." Reigna hadn't considered her modesty, and gratefully pulled the coat closed across her front. The two of them hurried off toward Reigna's apartment. A few comments were made here and there in their rush. Reigna caught herself actually having fun, which she hadn't expected.

    The two of them were laughing as they approached her door. "Well, thanks for the walk home." she said as they stopped and she started to take off his coat to give it back. "No, keep it. You can give it back to me later-"
    Just then, the door flew open. Both of them were caught off guard by how sudden it was. Reigna expected Elise, so she was surprised to see the same guy from earlier. He was also a bit damp, which suggested to Reigna that he had also been caught in the rain. But what startled her more was the familiarity. From far off before, he looked familiar. But up close, she could have sworn she had seen him somewhere before. She stared for a moment, as Jacob seemed to recover more quickly than she had. "Oh, sorry man. We didn't realize anyone was here."
    RebelMurf likes this.
  10. RebelMurf

    RebelMurf Hero of the Wild

    Ryker’s eyes looked from Reigna to the man she was with. “Nothing to apol…” “Reigna” Elise said walking beside Ryker. She sounded a little upset at the interruption until she saw the guy standing beside her. Her face lit up with a smile “Reigna” She said more playfully. “Stop” Reigna said stepping past Ryker into the dorm. “Jacob was walking me home” “I’m sure” Elise said putting an arm around Reigna’s shoulders and giving her a playful hug. She smiled at Jacob and he gave a small smile back. “Well, I think we should all meet up tomorrow!” Elise said enthusiastically. “I’m sure the guys have something better to do than meet up with us” Reigna said shaking Elise’s arm off am moving to refrigerator. “We could meet up for coffee?” Jacob suggested. “Yes!” Elise said moving beside Ryker and putting her arm around him. “Coffee sounds good right?” Ryker stood for a moment then realised that she was asking him. “Yeah, coffee sounds good” “Excellent!” Elise smiled. “Jacob and Reigna, myself and…” “Ulric” Ryker interrupted. Elise looked slightly confused for a moment before regaining herself. “Right. Jacob and Reigna, and myself and Ulric. Will we say tomorrow afternoon the little place just off campus?” “Sounds good” Jacob smiled. “Yeah. Sounds good” Ryker repeated. “It’s a date!” Elise said giving Ryker a peck on the cheek. With that she more or less pushed him out the door. “We will see you boys tomorrow” She smiled at both. With that she closed the door and turned to face Reigna. “Tell me everything!”


    Ryker and Jacob stood in the hall of the dorm room and a silence hung in the air. “Jacob right?” Ryker said after a little while. “Yeah, Ulric was it?” he responded extending a hand. Ryker took the hand and shook and the two started walking towards the exit. “That means ruler of the wolf right?” Jacob asked as they were walking. “Yeah, wolf ruler” Ryker said slightly surprised. Not many people would know that. “It’s a good name” “Thanks”. The two stepped outside. It was still raining quite heavily and both men realised they were short on their jackets. “This is what being a gentleman gets you huh?” Jacob joked. “Yeah” Ryker said with a smile. “Guess I’ll see you tomorrow then” Ryker said after a little while. “Yeah, see you then” with that Jacob took off in the direction of his own dorm. Ryker stood for awhile considering his options. He reached into his back pocket and pulled out his cigarettes. After lighting one he stepped out into the rain and made his way back to the frat house the party was being held. It had died down, and a lot of people had either gone home or passed out. Ryker went upstairs and found what seemed to be a small reading room. It had a few used cups and ashtrays about but otherwise was empty. Ryker pulled a few cushions off the couch and put them on the floor. Laying down he mulled over the past few days. He had managed to track down Reigna. Nearly hooked up with her best friend in her dorm, and then lied about who he was. He put his hand on his face rubbing his eyes and finally running his hand through his hair and letting rest behind his head. “What a mess” he thought to himself as he finally closed his eyes to fall asleep.

    * * *

    It was a bright sunny day as Ryker sat in the chair sipping on a cup of coffee and having a cigarette. He had slept through the night undisturbed and had even managed to grab a shower, ‘borrow’ some fresh clothes and eat some breakfast without anyone giving him a second look. It was only when Ryker left the frat house to make his way to the café that he realised he didn’t actually know where he was going. He thought of just going back to the girl’s apartment and walking with them but thought better of it. He had wandered around for awhile before he asked a group if they could direct him to the little place just of campus. They were happy to help and following their directions he found a little place. He wasn’t sure it was the right one but it was as good a place as any so he sat waiting for the others. Checking his watch he saw it was ten to twelve and figured he’s soon be relieved to find he was in the right place, or realise he was embarrassingly wrong. “Hey man” Ryker looked up to see Jacob standing there. He was glad to find he was in the right place. “Hey” Ryker said standing up and shaking his hand. “Good an early huh?” “Yeah, don’t like to keep people waiting” Ryker smiled. “No, especially two pretty women” They smiled at each other and sat opposite each other. A young woman came over and asked Jacob his order, then turned to Ryker and asked if he would like anything else. After she had gone the two guys sat in silence for a little while. “So, where you from?” Jacob asked. “Oh, Small town called Wolfden” Ryker answered. “You know it?” “Couple of hours away right?” “Yeah”. Silence. “Been here long?” Jacob asked making another attempt. “Not really” Ryker replied. “Got here the other day” “Oh?” “Yeah, decided to check out the campus to see if it was worth going to” He lied. “It’s a good place” Jacob offered. “Professors are good, people are nice” Ryker simply nodded.

    Ryker breathed a sigh of relief. “Girls are coming” He said to Jacobs’s surprise. A few seconds later Elise’s voice could be heard laughing at something or another and then the two came into view. When they saw Ryker and Jacob Elise waved and shouted a hello. The two guys waved back and when the girls got closer they stood up to say hello.
    Nova likes this.
  11. Nova

    Nova A Ghost Staff Member Administrator

    Reigna couldn't help but be slightly amused by Elise's enthusiasm. She studied her roommates playful smirk for a moment before shrugging and removing Jacob's jacket to hang on the bar stool next to her. "Nothing to tell. I already said, Jacob walked me home. That's all." she spoke with disinterest, turning heel and walking to her bedroom door. But of course, Elise wasn't going to give up that easily. The taller blonde was only two steps behind Reigna and used a hand to block the door Reigna tried to shut in her face as though that wasn't the intention. Reigna ignored Elise, lifting her hands to wring some of the rain water out of her hair.

    "Yeah sure that's all." she rolled her eyes, "Clearly it's not to him though, you alluring devil you." she winked, sitting at the foot of Reigna's bed and flipping her own damp locks back over her shoulder. "I knew that dress was a good choice."

    Reigna looked down over herself and scoffed. The soaked red fabric clung to her skin in a way that would probably even be flattering on a body like Elise's. But Reigna herself just felt silly. She reached for the zipper over her shoulder while walking over to the closet. "It's not like that." she responded to Elise with a hint of defensiveness. "I met him in class if you must know. He's a friend."

    Elise smacked her lips in mild disappointment over the lack of details, sliding on her hands behind her to slouch somewhat. "Hmm. I was hoping we'd get you a boyfriend tonight. How fun would the double dates be with those two?" she yawned as Reigna picked out a simple white racerback top and burgundy sweatpants.

    "Don't count on it." Reigna discarded the soaked mess of red fabric and spoke to Elise while dressing in dry clothes. "And what do you mean those two? You decided to keep Ulric around for more than a night?"

    Newly sparked by the chance to talk about herself, Elise fell for the bait and her enthused smile returned. "Actually, this one's different. I think I might like him."

    Surprised, Reigna actually turned to look at Elise over her shoulder. "Oh? Why's that?" Now more comfortably dry, Reigna walked to the bed and sat down next to Elise, allowing herself to fall back to lie down, legs still dangled over the edge.

    "I don't know. He's mysterious. I want to find out more about him." Elise laughed a bit and Reigna's eyes narrowed. She hadn't seen Elise like this before, it was telling. "Are you seriously that twitterpated by this guy?"

    "Shut up." Elise laughed, picking up one of Reigna's pillows and throwing it down at her face. Reigna laughed. She sat up, grabbed the pillow, slid back slightly, and rested it on her legs. Propping herself up on her arm, she spoke "Ok, fine. I'll be your wingman. Happy?"

    Feigning a gleeful squeal, Elise tackled Reigna with a hug. "You're the best roommate ever!"


    Reigna's early morning class the next day was a serious reminder of how big of a mistake the alcohol was. Her notoriously low tolerance was evidenced by the pounding headache that followed her every step around the apartment while she got ready for the day. She heard Elise blissfully snoozing in the other bedroom and couldn't seem to stop herself from making as much noise as possible. If Elise's shenanigans led to this hangover, they would suffer together.
    "You suck." she heard Elise's sleepy voice call after her just before she stepped out the door, making sure to give it a good slam behind her.

    Having managed to eat something and drink some water in the back of her first class helped a bit. At least enough to help her focus. She was revealed by the time her classes had concluded and the symptoms had subsided. And without much time to lose. Her walk home was much more pleasant. And by the time she arrived, Elise appeared to be feeling fine. That wasn't much of a surprise, though. If Elise ever experienced hangover, she never showed it to Reigna.

    The blonde looked beautiful as ever. Dressed in a silk lavender blouse and dark wash jeans, with her makeup perfect. Any evidence of the night before was completely forgotten. She was standing at the bar when Reigna walked into the house looking at the picture of the two of them that was usually hanging on the fridge. "About time." she greeted Reigna, replacing the picture on the fridge from where she had found it on the counter. "How you feeling pumpkin?" she teased, handing Reigna an aspirin and bottled water.

    "I'll survive." Reigna accepted the bottle gratefully.

    "Good! You should get ready. That is if you're still up for coffee with the guys."


    Reigna was in much better humor by the time the two had gotten ready and walked to the cafe. It was a nice day, and the sunlight had a positive effect on her mood. Elise, however, was just as light and carefree as ever from the first step. They stopped a few times along the way to speak with people in her social circle and only seemed to really get going when Reigna noticed they were running late and had to pull Elise along like a child.

    "Chill dude, they're guys. I bet they haven't even left to meet us y-." Elise was saying as they walked in. However her voice trailed off as the both of them noticed Ryker and Jacob sitting together at the table at the same time.

    "You were saying?" Reigna cocked her head to the side with a victorious smirk. To which Elise laughed, putting her arm around Reigna's shoulder.

    "Look at you." she mocked and led the way toward the table their rather awkward looking dates waited for them. The smell of coffee and smoke was the first thing to greet Reigna when they approached. Both men were the cause as both of them were smoking and had steaming mugs in front of them. Although whatever Jacob was smoking was clearly not normal tobacco like Ryker. It was hand rolled, and similar looking to the one he had offered her the night before. At that time, she had assumed she had known the herb he had offered. But if it was what she thought it was, he wouldn't be so open about smoking it in public. Or maybe he simply didn't care about getting caught? She couldn't tell. Either way, no one else seemed to notice.
    Ryker momentarily caught Reigna's notice. Once again a strange sense of déjà vu hit her when he looked up and their eyes met. Suddenly feeling somewhat awkward, she broke eye contact and focused on Jacob.

    Elise was the first to speak when both Ryker and Jacob stood at their approach. "Reigna, we've found ourselves quite the gentlemen." she winked at Ryker and put her arm around him in a casual hug. "How was your night handsome?"

    Reigna simply smiled and greeted them both with a polite hello. She was clinging to Jacob's coat from the night before, which she had made sure to dry off. He accepted it gratefully and put out his 'blunt' in an ash tray on the table. "Hope we didn't keep you two waiting for too long." Reigna spoke as the four of them were seated.
    RebelMurf likes this.
  12. RebelMurf

    RebelMurf Hero of the Wild

    (OOC: Not sure if this is how you would portray your characters. If you want to change anything go for it.)

    “Had a good night thanks” Ryker said returning Elise’s hug. They were all seated when Reigna spoke. “Not at all” Jacob said putting an arm around Reigna. A waitress came over and took their order. The four of them sat and talked as the hours whiled away. The girls, mostly Elise filled Ryker in on all the gossip around the college. Late into the afternoon they decided they needed to have something to eat. Ryker and Jacob offered to take the girls out but they decided they would prefer to go back to their apartment and cook something.

    “Give me a minute” Ryker said patting down his pockets looking for his cigarettes. “Must have left them back at the café” he stated mildly annoyed with himself.

    “Here, have one of mine” Jacob offered opening up a metal container. He held his lighter in the other hand letting Ryker light it. Taking a pull Ryker inhaled it and immediately burst into a coughing fit. Lifting the rolled cigarette to his nose he sniffed it and turned his nose up at it. “Not sure what that is, but it’s not for me” he said handing the lit cigarette back to Jacob.

    Jacob took it from him and was silent for a moment looking from the cigarette to Ryker. “No, it’s not for everyone” he said somewhat dryly.

    Elise giggled at Ryker’s coughing fit and playfully slapped his arm. “Maybe it’s a sign you should quit” she said teasingly.

    “Maybe” Ryker smiled to her. “I’ll be back in a second, just going to collect mine” he said turning around and heading back to the café.

    “You probably shouldn’t be smoking that either” Reigna said to Jacob who seemed to have zoned out a little.

    “Hmm.. What’s that?” he asked.

    “You probably shouldn’t be smoking that stuff, especially with cops around” Reigna repeated pointing out a squad car that was park outside one of the apartment buildings.

    Jacob grinned and let out a small laugh. “This isn’t weed”

    Reigna looked slightly puzzled.

    “It’s wolfs bane” Jacob said with a straight face.

    The three stood there for a brief moment in silence when Jacob started laughing, Reigna joined in and started laughing harder when she saw the puzzled look on Elise’s face.

    “What did I miss?” Ryker said rejoining the group.

    “No idea” Elise said as both Jacob and Reigna collected themselves. “Come on” Elise said taking Ryker’s arm. “I’m hungry”.

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