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MEGA MAN Project ZETA: Dawn of a New Era

Discussion in 'Canon Roleplays (IC)' started by FON, Feb 16, 2013.

  1. FON

    FON A Lazy Comic Artist

    OOC: The gang hasn't returned back yet, still with Estelle and awaiting a response before they walk off. Roll is coming to pck them up, however.

    "Well at least someone here understands," ZETA said, referring to how Zero defended him. He turned and looked at a jet coming in. It wasn't big, but it was big enough four the four Reploids. It landed a few meters away from the fire and Roll hopped out and walked towards the group, "Dr. Light told me to pick you guys up, after seeing how ZETA got in a predicament,"

    "Thanks sis," ZETA said
  2. NeRo

    NeRo Your Supreme Lord And Savior Staff Member Administrator

    Zero walked forward ramming his shoulder into Black. " Out of my way" the aircraft landed and roll hopped out. " Thanks for the Pick up Roll. i need to get back to HQ and asses the damage. We need to find these leaders and target them one by one." Zero walked onto the ship sitting in the seat towards the back. His face always had a stern look of urgency most of the time. Crossing his arms he closed his eyes. " Waiting.."
  3. Taboo Sho

    Taboo Sho The Math Emperor Staff Member Moderator Content Writer

    Black growled angrily at Zero, but looked to Roll with a smile. Placing his arm around her he sighed, "Thanks for the pick-up Roll. I'll make it up to you, promise." He winked at her before walking into the distance, "Oh and Zero, don't be acting so high and mighty! We hold the same rank, so we'll settle it as we usually do. Don't be late now." Black waved and smirked as he vanished in flash of lightning.

    White sighed, "Dad... I love him, you know that... Why do you always have to think it's some sort of error or malfunction? Can't you just be happy for us? He's afraid to follow through because you're telling him it's wrong! He loves me, I know he does... I... Don't believe it's wrong... He's perfect... the way he is... Please dad... give us a chance to be happy..."
  4. FON

    FON A Lazy Comic Artist

    "...Im basically your sister Black..." Roll said, "But thanks anyway!"

    ZETA got into the jet and sat in the cockpit with Roll, "Thanks for saving my butt back there Zero," ZETA said as he got strapped in.


    "I just don't see how you find each other attractive, humans would refer it to as being pansexuals, incests, and homosexuals," Dr. light said, "I just don't know if this is a sign of going Maverick, and if the Armada finds out about this they might shut us down as well as all of you,"

    The jet ascended into the air and floating high above the skyline to prevent any damage to the city and flew off, back towards base.
  5. Become

    Become Resident Tashian Staff Member Moderator Content Writer

    The situation escalated rapidly, and the Reploids left Estelle with no windows for interrogation. They argued rank and purpose and mission, yet did nothing to pay heed to the fact that there were injured people and a burning building looming behind them. When they piled into their aircraft, Estelle made to rush after them and detain their departure, but was too slow. "Where in the HELL DO YOU THINK YOU'RE GOING???" she cried over the craft's jets. "LOUSY MACHINES!" She glared up into the sky, even after the jet had broken through the clouds.

    "Lady Estelle, the civilians have been tended to. What are your orders."

    Estelle looked forward at a team of soldiers in heavy armor, carrying some significant firepower. "Answers," she said bluntly. "I want answers. I want to know what the Hell happened here tonight. I want this entire block, no this entire street combed. I want that damn fire put out. AND I want a scout on that jet's ass STAT! Does everyone understand that? Well?"

    "YES MA'AM!"

    "What of you," one soldier asked as the rest scattered to search the area.

    "What of me?"

    "What will you do now?"

    "I need to get back to Legion. They'll be wanting to see me personally after this." She activated her communicator, linking back to the Alphastar. "Isla, bring me back up. We're going to report on tonight; in person..."​
  6. Noir


    Yami then noticed a blue reploid who seems familiar. Then before he was seen by the other reploids, he then backed away and ran until he was not in the sight of others. He hided between some walls.
    "Is that Mega Man ZETA...?" Yami seemed to be shocked. "Maybe I could truly reveal myself to someone else..."


    Dr. Shirou wakes up in an island. He seems to be alone. His clothes are all dusty and look tattered.
    "Where am I? And my clothes are very dirty. Why is that... hm..." Dr. Shirou then stood up and looked around. He then remembered Yami, and then looked everywhere and around the island for him.
    "Yami, are you there?!" Dr. Shirou shouted. A maverick in the island and woke up. It stood behind Shirou. Shirou heard it's footsteps.
    "What are those giant footsteps..?" Shirou then looked behind him. The maverick was huge. Luckily Shirou still has his guns. He then shot the maverick with a big bullet. It became angry and attacked Shirou. The maverick tried to step on him, but Shirou dodged it. Due to his old age, he easily became exhausted.
    "No time to rest." Shirou became more serious. Shirou then shot the giant maverick again and again. Due to it's armor, Shirou's gun bullets doesn't do anything.
    "I'm tired... Wish Yami was here." Shirou sighed. But he had one trick up his sleeve. Shirou then remembered and touched the big red cross symbol on his pistol hard. It then glowed. The bullets were glowing, and were now able to pierce through armor.
    "That's it, if I use these bullets, I could break the maverick's armor!" Shirou then tested them. The maverick's armor had a crack. He then shot again and again until all of them were now gone. Shirou reloaded his bullets. He was about to shoot again, but the maverick fell down. It was finally destroyed.
  7. FON

    FON A Lazy Comic Artist

    "No problem Zetty," Roll said,

    "The name is ZETA," ZETA replied,

    Roll then noticed something off on the radar. She saw a yellow dot behind the green triangle that represented the jet that the crew was on,

    "Hey Zero? Mind looking out the window and see what's behind us?" Roll asked,
  8. Taboo Sho

    Taboo Sho The Math Emperor Staff Member Moderator Content Writer

    White growled, "Going Maverick? Father, you should know by now we'd never betray you! You've given us love and care, why would we have any reason to betray you?! This is... I don't want to talk to you right now... I'm leaving..." White frowned, disappearing in a flash of lightning.

    Black appeared soon after White left, he approached his father figure and crossed his arms in disgust. "Zeta disobeyed protocol Doctor. Neither I nor Zero gave him dispatch orders, he had no reason to be sent into the field. Therefore I am placing him under watch by my brother, White, until further notice. I don't want him out there Light. He's far too nice, and his good nature will get him killed one day. He has to toughen up... but it goes against his programming. I know you have an upgrade for him, it better fix this, because Zero and I can't keep bailing him out.

    He sighed, but handed over a stack of papers, "These are the reports on our mission. In detail, word for word, every little thing that happened is in there, as always. I assume you have my upgrade ready for me...?"
  9. FON

    FON A Lazy Comic Artist

    "white... He has the AI mind of an adult yet can act naive..." Light muttered as White left. He loved the Reploids like children, but some of them act a bit childish for their artificial ages, mainly ZETA, Roll and White,

    "Thank you Black," Light said as he took the report that Black handed to him, "But if I recall ZETA was doing his duty. I created him to protect humans, and he is merely like my ancestor's first two Mega Men, both cared and worried, which were great attributes. But I will discuss with him about disregarding the orders he was given, but if he didn't leave, we wouldn't have known about the bombing that was taking place. As for assigning him under the watch of White I don't think its the best idea. While the two are best friends I think its best to keep them separate until I perform some tests on them, they have been having... Peculiar behaviors as of late. And as for the upgrade, you will have to wait just a bit longer for these reasons. One, Roll is the first to be obtaining hers, I am having her join the fight here soon. Two, I'm still working on your upgrade, as well as White's, Zero's and ZETA's. I may give your upgrade as well as your brother's here soon, but you have yet to show any sign of needing an upgrade, same goes for Zero. ZETA I plan on not giving his for a while, we have not seen his full potential yet. So, I suggest assigning him to be watched by you, you are as tough, Im sure you can help with that. But would you like to see the upgrades?"
  10. Taboo Sho

    Taboo Sho The Math Emperor Staff Member Moderator Content Writer

    Black sighed but otherwise showed no signs of shock or surprise at his father figure's statement. "Of course your true daughter and son get all your attention first... Me, Zero, and White are always last because we, with the exception of Zero, were created by, as far as we know, your ancestor." Black frowned and shook his head, "No. I have work to do alongside Zero. White will be watching him, and that's my order. In fact... he should be showing up... right about..."

    "Rarrrr!" In a flash of lightning, White appeared on top of Zeta, crushing him. "Umm... oops... Sorry Zeta. OH Zero!" White stood up, and hurried over to his co-leader and grabbed his Saber, without actually taking it from him. "Don't freak out! I know you hate people touching your weapon but this is really special!" Grabbing a box from his backpack, which he remembered to bring this time, he grabbed a large orb of concentrated electricity and then a wide blade piece, as well as a few tools. "H'okay... this'll only take a sec! Now... this goes with this, and... OH yeah, that's nice! Then... This one, and then ZAP!" In a matter of moments, White finished what he was doing and took a look at his handywork. Zero's blade now crackled with electricity, and the blade itself had been extended by a good three and a half inches, it was also a good 2 inches wider. "There ya go Zero! Now you should be able to kick my bro's ass! Go show him why you're the best!" White smiled happily before turning back to Zeta and hugging him, "I'm glad you're not hurt! I get to be your meditor... umm... Mediotor... Umm... Roll, help me out here?!"

    Black smirked and put his hand on Dr. Light's shoulder, "Now let's see those upgrades hmm?"
    Last edited: Mar 15, 2013
  11. FON

    FON A Lazy Comic Artist

    "HOLY SHIT!" ZETA exclaimed as White appeared. However, he still gave his "brother" a hug,

    "I would help White, but I think someone is following us, mind checking the back window to see if we have some sort of jet or drone following us?" Roll asked,


    "I am trying to prevent any of you from going Maverick, that's why I'm not giving you, Zero or White's upgrade yet because I'm still trying to prevent any bugs in the system. Roll's I have already finished, ZETA's is still in the works but I am waiting to see what he can truly do, and see if he will be as strong as you, your brother and Zero! Now, follow me," Dr. Light said as he lead Black into a special room. After typing the password on the key lock, the door slide opened and revealed a room with five tubes with five robotic beings inside, three of which looke like White, Black and Zero, and the other two looked like older versions of ZETA and Roll, but the armor was much more human like than the armor on their current models, as well as new cores and weapons which were hidden inside the "upgrade" Reploids.

    "As you can see, the armor on the upgrades is much more durable in combat, and so far, industructable to most weapons that are currently available! Of course, you can see that ZETA's and Roll's look like older versions of themselves, but that's because it will help them become more mature, and it is a symbol of "growing up". You may notice how your armor, Zero's and White's upgrades are still being modified, as some of the pieces are missing. I'm planning on transferring your AI minds into the upgrades by using that computer right of the "upgrades", which they willgothrough a cleaning software to remove any virus or bugs in your AI minds so that you shouldn't expierence any bugs in your upgrades. What do you think?"
  12. Noir


    Yami saw them retreated with a jet. He then looks back at the building, and some people were leaving. He then heard a noise that has a familiar voice. He can't clear out what the noise said because it was very far from here.

    "... Could it be?" Yami said. "No, I need to check it out... but..."
    Yami then goes into his speed form to transport himself to the ground quickly. He returned back into his normal form.
  13. FON

    FON A Lazy Comic Artist

    "Commander Eros sir!" A maverick soldier said saluting to his commander. He was wearing black armor, with purple trimming on the ankles and shoulders, and he wore purple helmet that his his face. He was a messenger soldier, and he was told to finds Eros. He seemed a bit of a weakling, but then again, that was the reason he wasn't on the front lines, "I have an ergent message!"
    Last edited: Mar 23, 2013
  14. Angel

    Angel Lion Heart Staff Member Administrator

    "Pandora! You know what to do!" Prometheus stated. Pandora surely nodded. Inserting her rod into a red cylinder while Prometheus simultaneously inserted his scythe into the one adjacent to that of his sister. Gears began to motor and locks became unshackled.


    A wall, formally believed to be thick and solid, split into two and as it opened, a heavy, blinding, red light pierced through the cracks. Upon adjustment, two pods with a red tint were fixated with a continuum of wires and tubes.

    "Mother!" Pandora gazed into the room.​
  15. Become

    Become Resident Tashian Staff Member Moderator Content Writer

    Estelle stood in the bridge aboard Alphastar, once more watching the city below, and more so, the city as it was in front of the patrol ship. Closing in, nearly a mile and five minutes worth of travel away, stood a tower, which occupied the exact center of New Abel City. It was a hulking structure, large enough to constitute a city in and of itself. However, it was a strictly military and political post. Only soldiers of the Armada and the administrators of Legion were allowed there on a regular basis, with citizens and "others" being brought only for disciplinary or refugee purposes; all courtrooms were there, as were the majority of the city's bunker and emergency hideouts, just in case.

    That tower was also Estelle's destination. As the ship drew closer, she turned on her Comm. Link and spoke with Isla. "Isla. Connect me to the docking station on the North end of the Legion HQ."

    "Right Essie. Just give me a moment aaaaand... Alright, here you go."

    "Legion HQ, North End Docking. State your Ship, Commander and Purpose."
    "Patrol Ship Alphastar. Commander Estelle Durand. We're approaching the North End and request docking permission. I'm here to report on recent incidents in the city."

    "Just a moment please, Commander Durand.... Permission granted. You're to land at dock eleven."
    "Thank you. And please send word to Sovereign of my arrival."

    "Roger that."


    Eros had already arrived in the Hangar, and was overseeing the preparations for his departure. Several grunt workers were loading weapons and armor onto a cargo ship. Also making preparations was a group of ten rather burly-looking Reploids, all of whom saluted as soon as Eros stood in front of them. "Echo Force, Squad Nine, I presume?" Eros asked of what seemed to be the leader of the group.

    "Affirmative, Commander Eros," the leader said. "You called for us to join on this excursion, no?"

    "Indeed, I did," Eros said with a smile. "I'll be needing your strength and cunning in this mission. You've previous experience around New Abel City, and that experience will only benefit our cause. Now--"

    "Commander Eros sir!" A maverick soldier said saluting to his commander. He was wearing black armor, with purple trimming on the ankles and shoulders, and he wore purple helmet that his face. He was a messenger soldier, and he was told to find Eros.
    "Who are you and what do you want?" Eros demanded, clearly displeased to have been interrupted in a briefing.​
  16. FON

    FON A Lazy Comic Artist

    "I was told to inform you about the success of the mission, sir!" The messenger said with a salute. His helmet covered his face, but behind the pitch black visor, his face showed signs of fear. It was deffinatly clear that he was nothing more than just something expendable.


    "I'll go check it out Roll," ZETA said, turning his rift arm into buster mode, incase this wasn't a friendly.

    "Thank you ZETA, at least I can count on you," Roll said with a sigh, focusing her attention on the view infront of them. She looked down at the digital map on te dashboard and saw that they were getting close to Hikari Labs, "Buckle up boys!" she said,

    ZETA made it to the back and opened up the circular window. Looking through it, he saw a jet of sorts following them. He couldn't identify where the cock pit was, but it was a good distance away from the jet. It was following them to their base.

    "Roll! A jet is following us!" ZETA yelled out,
  17. NeRo

    NeRo Your Supreme Lord And Savior Staff Member Administrator

    Zero sat with his arm's crossed he was busy in deep thought. out of the corner of his ear he heard Roll mention a favor to him but he still was not exactly giving out attention at the moment. Everyone was walking around talking things here quite active in the ship. With whites little explosion of mood swing and such he left and returned. He started shuffling around with Zero's sabre. " Excuse me..?" Zero said in a awkward manner. White was getting a bit to close for comfort. " Well thank you for the Z Sabre upgrade i suppose, though" Raising his eyes to Black who was standing" Not like i'd need it to defeat your oaf of a twin of course."

    Black walked in the back with the Dr. Zero honestly had no aspirations for upgrading his current model. if it happens it happens if it didn't then it didn't. He was confident in his power level and skills to not need one at the current moment. Zero frowned up when the Dr. mentioned Roll taking part in combat. " Doc, theres no wa-" he was cut off as he left. " Roll, i don't approve of you fighting alongside us. your just to fragile, and you lack the necessary battle training. I know we need every hand we can get but your doing fine where you are."

    Again he was cut off this time by Zeta"

    Roll! A jet is following us!

    Zero groaned and stood to his feet. " Roll open the upper level hatch, i'm going to dispose of our follower myself. Zeta you stay here. i have a feeling your model in particular will be attracting attention. Allow me to deal with our company."

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