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KHPlanet SOTW #3 Set Stock Voting

Discussion in 'Archive' started by Remedy, Jul 5, 2014.

Which tag should win SOTW #3?

Poll closed Jul 8, 2014.
  1. Entry 1

    0 vote(s)
  2. Entry 2

    2 vote(s)
  3. Entry 3

    0 vote(s)
  4. Entry 4

    0 vote(s)
  5. Entry 5

    3 vote(s)
  1. Remedy

    Remedy Remnant

    3...2... VOTE!

    Entry 1: [​IMG]

    Entry 2: [​IMG]

    Entry 3: [​IMG]

    Entry 4: [​IMG]

    Entry 5: [​IMG]

    Leaving feedback, and reasoning behind your vote is always appreciated!
  2. EtherealSummoner

    EtherealSummoner Lamentations 3:22-26

    I was between #3 and #5...

    #3: When I saw the stock, I honestly was thinking someone can do something about dreaming and the designer actually did with the text stating it. In addition, it is not in a rectangular box like the other three, which is unique. I believe that is what attracted me the most.

    I pick #5.

    #5: Not in a rectangular box as well and I also like the star added in there. Really caught my attention. The background is also revolved around China objects (IS that correct, or is the background Japan?) with the text and cherry blossoms.
  3. Napoléon

    Napoléon Kuroko Fangirl

    So, here's where my votes go :


    Entry 2

    This signature flowed the best in my opinion. This character definitely fits the lighter colour scheme because of the clothes she's wearing. The splashes of blue and pink really fit well and overall this is a really beautiful piece.

    Second Favourite

    Entry 3

    I like how this isn't a regular rectangular signature, but I find the darker purples don't fit the stock as well as the lighter hues. I'm also not a fan of the cursive text in the rectangle strip; however, the block text "Dream" is gorgeous !! That's definitely my favourite text font between all the signatures. This one is very nicely done.

    Third Favourite

    Entry 1

    Definitely the darker piece ! When I saw this signature, I instantly thought of "Corpse Party". I like the red spots around the body, and literally, the only part that I don't love is the text. This one might have been better off without any, but I don't like how skinny "Run Away" is written. Maybe something that sticks out a little bit more would be more fitting to underline the urgency of 'running away' from what I imagine to be a massacre.

    Let's play Corpse Party.

    Fourth Favourite

    Entry 4

    Now this one didn't stick out as much as those first three, but it's a nice signature nonetheless. I like the text "Dream Away"; I feel like she's floating on a cloud, so I like the skinnier font for this one. The yellows and pinks are nice and bright as well. The only thing that isn't flowing for me in this piece is the geometry of the signature. It might look a little better without that box because the oval is where all the magic is happening ! To me, the box feels a bit like empty space, but overall this is nicely done.

    Least Favourite

    Entry 5

    Now, I do like how this isn't a regular rectangle piece, but this signature looks choppy. I don't know if this was an intended effect, but I personally don't find it appealing. All of the edges in the box are extremely noticeable and it would have looked better if everything was smooth. The little grooves aren't uniform either, which makes it seem like it wasn't an intended effect. The font also looks pixel-y. Every little notch and bump is just a bull eye for me. The star is cute, but again, grooves everywhere throughout it. Not to mention her hair has this light blue film around the outskirts. It really just sticks out because of the dark city bus background going on.
    Things I like about this one: Ignoring the rough edges, the actual background in the box is beautiful. The lovely cherry blossoms floating around the bus is stellar, and I also like how you darkened her colours. If I were you, I would work on making a more smooth polished look since there are a few great features about this piece.
  4. Remedy

    Remedy Remnant

    In order of their appeal to me:

    Entry 2: I love the colors and extremely simplistic fashion of this tag. It does not look overly complex, but has a very aesthetically pleasing element to it.

    Entry 5: The way you had the render pop out of the shape I though was a great idea, but it didn't really catch my eye otherwise. Felt a tad too sharp and over-saturated in comparison to Entry 2. It's a good tag, just simply wasn't my favorite.

    Entry 3: Similar concept to Entry 5, but the colors didn't mesh as well, and the typography didn't look good IMO. Was also pretty hard to tell what was going on in the BG. But as I said with Entry 5, cool concept.

    Entry 4: The Circle seems kinda random, and the text seems quite out of place. A bit hard to make out the render as well.

    As for Mine: The noise on her hair kind of distracts, and I feel I could have done a better job trying to get my theme more established. Napoleon was right on in saying, "Maybe something that sticks out a little bit more would be more fitting to underline the urgency of 'running away' from what I imagine to be a massacre."
    I had wanted to go that direction, but had a hard time figuring out how.

    Great work everyone.

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