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Code Requests

Discussion in 'KH Coding' started by Demi Shock, Jul 21, 2008.

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  1. DualWieldRoxas99

    DualWieldRoxas99 New Member

    It is but DjC said u play as a mushball model off hooded Roxas that does everything Sora does
  2. heartless35

    heartless35 New Member

    can some one please tell me how make action replay code? i can never find a website that can show me how and i what to know how.
    Last edited: Dec 6, 2008
  3. syawalqwe

    syawalqwe New Member

    can someone give me model digit list and save point and chip mode and dale mode and skateboard mode plzzzzz????????????
  4. King Riku

    King Riku New Member

    yeah mushball model is so funny

    to convert one you can use a program called max convert; to actually hack one you can't since all codes start out in raw format which is not armax format(the code format that action replay uses)
  5. KHAxel95

    KHAxel95 New Member

    KH2 FM NTSC GameShark
    Is it possible to replace Shadows or some other enemies as Terras? Sephiroths, Larxenes etc etc... I would want to replace the enemies rather than the bosses, since there's more enemies.

    Is it possible to fight almost all Org Members, except Demyx, Luxord, Axel and Lexaeus at the same time? Should't it be possible at the Throne Room in the Land of Dragons?
  6. Terra/Aqua/Ven

    Terra/Aqua/Ven New Member

    First can I use Codebreaker on my PS3 for KH2?

    If I can I need a code for Axel as a playable character and Riku as a playable character. I also need a code for extra Keyblades. I've seen a video on Youtube for extra Keyblades. I think the first one is called Edge Of Ultima. Thanks guys!

    BTW this is Kingdom Hearts II U.S. version
  7. khfinalman

    khfinalman New Member

    does anyone have the code breaker version to play as terra code for kh2fm+ oh and if u have one to play as him kh2 also can you plz tell i dont care if its him as a mush ball version for kh2 plz tell cuz im making a vidoe for kh2fm+ for terra vs axel and vexen
    and kh2 for terra vs saix xigbar
  8. Terra

    Terra Guest

    got a code that'll get me to lvl 99? or at least quick lvl?
  9. is there a AR max (NTSC/US version) to play as Sora but with limit form clothes. (not with the limit form move set)
  10. Dragoon9108

    Dragoon9108 New Member


    Can you give me the codes for all of the above codes for Gameshark version 1.2 please?
    Last edited: Oct 6, 2010
  11. Kitty

    Kitty I Survived The BG Massacre Staff Member Administrator

    Please do not bump threads that have been dead for more than one month. Look through this section and see if you can find your answer. I don't think there are any coders currently here to answer it.

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