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Adele (Album: 25)

Discussion in 'Music & Industry' started by Angel, Jan 8, 2016.

  1. Angel

    Angel Lion Heart Staff Member Administrator

    So Adele recently came out with a new album, 25, and I haven't listen to it yet, but I've heard its been breaking all these records. All I've heard is her song titled "Hello" which I think is pretty awesome. Adele is really sweet. You guys should have seen her reaction after performing again in front of people after her long hiatus. She started to cry from joy after the performance.

  2. Helloooo from the otheeeeeerrr siiiiiiehiiiiiiide

    I love that song!
  3. Kitty

    Kitty I Survived The BG Massacre Staff Member Administrator

    Adele has a very beautiful, strong voice, no doubt. I don't care for many of her songs that I've heard, mainly because I got burnt out from the overplaying of them, but Hello is one that I do crank up the volume to when it comes on the radio.

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