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Comments on Profile Post by Derek

  1. Desert Warrior
    Desert Warrior
    You were close. I'm not sure how to feel about some things I was wrong about, but I was right about at least one thing.
    Feb 8, 2019
  2. Derek
    @Desert Warrior What did you get right? Even now I dunno how to feel really.
    Feb 8, 2019
  3. Desert Warrior
    Desert Warrior
    The eventual inclusion of certain characters into Chi. That's the only thing I can think of that I correctly guessed.
    Feb 11, 2019
  4. Desert Warrior
    Desert Warrior
    Actually there was another thing I was technically right about. The very first trailer that had Maleficent ask Hades about a box. That trailer came out before 2.8 so we didn't know about the box. I initially guessed Maleficent was looking for Pandora's Box.
    Feb 11, 2019
  5. Derek
    @Desert Warrior ah. I wish he had waited to do that for post 3. Luxu would've been great bait for the inclusions. I love that she found it and threw it back lol
    Feb 11, 2019
    Desert Warrior likes this.
  6. Desert Warrior
    Desert Warrior
    I saw that and was just like, dang I was actually sorta right about that.
    Feb 19, 2019