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Comments on Profile Post by Nova

  1. Desert Warrior
    Desert Warrior
    Did you not have something prior where she didn't comment? I read your post once but I don't know if it was the original or an edited one.
    Nov 18, 2016
  2. Nova
    She commented before. I just edited a subject change in there later.
    Nov 18, 2016
  3. Desert Warrior
    Desert Warrior
    So what I first read was probably the original.
    Nov 18, 2016
  4. Nova
    Most likely, yes. I didn't do the edit until today at some point.
    Nov 18, 2016
  5. Desert Warrior
    Desert Warrior
    Then definitely yes.
    Nov 18, 2016
  6. Nova
    Mystery solved!
    Nov 18, 2016
    Desert Warrior likes this.