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XIII-2 DLC: Requiem of the Goddess Lv. 0

Discussion in 'Final Fantasy XIII-2' started by girl poison, Jun 17, 2012.

  1. girl poison

    girl poison New Member

    Has anyone here attempted this? I was thinking about giving it a go one day and livestreaming/recording it but I don't know if I can deal with the frustration of messing up just one time and losing the whole thing, plus I never really figured out the second boss' (for spoiler's sakes) pattern since it was usually 4 AM when I played it and I might've been slightly delirious.

    If you have attempted and/or beaten this DLC on lv. 0, what did you think?
  2. Khroma

    Khroma 愛久見人心

    I've attempted it ....it wasn't... well, it didn't go well for me, but I'm planning on doing it again and again whenever I have the time to.

    But it's a good challenge :D
  3. Desert Warrior

    Desert Warrior Well-Known Member

    How do you get to it? I've gotten this DLC along with a few others and I haven't been able to access any of them. I know the Sazh DLC is post game, but the weapon DLCs, this DLC, and the Snow DLC shouldn't be post game.
  4. girl poison

    girl poison New Member

    It's one of the locked sections of Valhalla, if you haven't beaten the game do not play Requiem of the Goddess because it includes major spoilers. I don't know about the other DLCs because this is the only one I have.
  5. Khroma

    Khroma 愛久見人心

    I got mine through the title screen..
    And if that didn't work, then I got it through the PSN store (since I'm using PS3).

    As for activating them ...I dunno.
    I forgot orz

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