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Traditional Showcase Rules and Guidelines

Discussion in 'Creative Writing' started by Destiny, Jul 28, 2011.

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  1. Destiny

    Destiny Guest

    welcome to...
    Traditional Showcase
    Traditional Showcase is here to demonstrate your creative ability. From stories written about Kingdom Hearts or greek gods to photos taken of the night sky, AMV's to a song about your girl friend/boy friend, you can put here. ​

    Rules-(In affect July 28, 2011)
    1.) Threads that last post is two months or older get closed automatically, if posted in, it will be considered a bump.
    2.) You can only post three times before somebody has to comment on your creative piece.
    3.) If there's inappropriate content, a rating must be put up in the title(see below)
    4.) Constructive criticism is good, bashing is not. If there's any bashing go on, disciplinary actions by staff will happen
    5.) Stories and art work should be your own and nobody elses, if there's any plagerism, you will be banned.(if you have written that on another site, say, written on another site by myself and PM traditional showcase mod)
    6.) Threads should not be just spam, there should be some actual content on them or they will be deleted.​

    PG-13= violence, cuss language, romance to the extent of kissing,
    R= violence, cuss language, romance to make out session and sex(not in detail)
    X= violence, cuss language, romance in detail​

    *Glossary of Literary Terms*
    A list of common literary terms used when talking about, thinking about, or writing literature – conflict, figurative language, irony, metaphor, myth, point of view, simile, symbol, etc.
    Antagonist- the character opposing the protagnist, or hero.
    Artist's Purpose- the reason the artists created their piece
    Audience- who the author, poet, or writer is trying to grab the attention of
    Author's Purpose- the purpose the author wrote the story
    Character- the people of the story
    Chracterization- the way the author reveals details about the character
    Cliche- an idea seen before, not original; should be avoided
    Conflict- the problem in the story
    Couplet- a style of poetry with two lines and the endings rhyme
    Dialect- the way different regions speak ex: mom vs. mum
    Dialogue- conversation between characters
    Fan Fiction- a fiction story written off the ideas of another story
    Fiction- created by the imagination or vision of the writer
    Figurative Language- words that mean exactly what is says
    Folklore- legends, myths, etc.; stories passed down by generation to generation
    Foreshadowing- hints the clue of events that may happen later on in the story
    Genre- the classification of stories, poetry, movies, music, and other creative work
    Imagery- words or phases that allow the audience to clearly picture what's going on
    Irony- the difference in events of what's expected and what actually happens
    Lyric- song like poetry
    Mary Sue- a character too much like yourself
    Mood- the story's emotion
    Narrator- who tells the story or poem
    Parable- a short story with a life lesson
    Personification- when an animal or things is given human characteristics
    Plot- the events that occur that make a story
    Point of View- the way it's narrated
    =>1st Person- I, me, we; member of the story is telling the story
    =>3rd Person Limited- a narrator outside the story tells it only from one character's view
    =>3rd Person Omniscent- a narrator outside the story tells it from all character's view
    Protagonist- the main character of the story, can be either good or bad, the story focuses on them.
    Rhyme- the repetition of words that have the same sounds ex. cat, hat, bat
    Rhyme Scheme- the pattern of rhymes in poetry
    Setting- the time and place of the story
    Short Story- a story that is brief, the plot is written out fully but is quick and doesn't span over many chapters
    Sonnet- a type of poetry with a specific pattern in how it's written
    Stereotype- characteristics of a group of characters/people
    Structure- how the piece is organized
    Style- how a piece is written
    Suspense- often is also a cliff hanger; when the writer pulls the attention of a reader so intensely they can't stop reading
    Symbol- when a certain thing in the story has a secret meaning than what it just is
    Theme- the idea of the piece
    Tone- the creator's attitude of the piece​

    Writing Fanfiction=> Dr. Merlin's Guide to Fanfiction
    Tips for Writing(Fanfics-works on anything)=> 10 Tips for Writing Fanfiction | Fuel Your Writing
    Creating (A)MV=> How To Make Your Own Anime Music Video

    Layout of Traditional Showcase-
    Traditional Showcase- a forum to share creative pieces of work other than graphics​

    > Contests- a subforum for creative contests if it be short story contests, poetry contests, or amv contests. Anybody can create a contest and judge it
    > Poetry and Lyrics- the subforum for those who have a thing for poetry. Put up your dramatic poems of lyrics here
    > Fan Fiction- the subforum for stories based off of something else such as Kingdom Hearts
    > Original Fiction- the subforum for stories based off of your own vision
    > Art- the subforum for your artistic pieces. AMV's, Drawing, Paintings, Comics, Composition, etc.​
    Last edited by a moderator: Feb 26, 2013
    EtherealSummoner likes this.
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