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Shiki and more..?

Discussion in 'Anime & Manga' started by Kairi831, Oct 17, 2017.

  1. Kairi831

    Kairi831 Active Member

    So, first off, I started getting into anime again. I picked up on Shiki instantly.

    Without going into too much detail, it's a horror genre about Vampires who, in the anime, are either called Shiki or okiagari, but in the long and short of it, something similar but different to a vampire.

    I actually got sucked into this anime pretty quickly and I enjoyed it. I believe I am on episode 17 if 22? Somewhere along those lines. I definitely recommend it if you're interested in this sort of thing.

    If you have seen it before, who is your favorite character? Mine would have to be Natsuno. I just love his attitude and determination with certain things. His and Tooru's friendship however, hurts my heart ugh

    On the "and more..?" spectrum of this thread, are there any anime recommendations that sort of hold similarities to this sort of thing? I have an interest with the darker animes and supernatural type of thing. The next anime I do plan on starting after I finish Shiki would have to be Tokyo Ghoul. So who knows.

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