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Discussion in 'Archive' started by Key King, Jan 6, 2016.

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  1. Key King

    Key King Member

    So, as someone who has been a member for quite sometime (periods of inactivity on my part noted), I really want to see some more activity on KHP.
    Honestly, coming back to this much activity (even if it is only a handful of members-and even then mostly staff), has really re-vitalized my spirits concerning this forum. So, I've decided to set out to get as many members back on this site as possible.
    With a new, dedicated owner, I really would find it a shame to let all of Angel's hard work go to waste. Seriously the changes made around this place, along with someone who is really active and available for suggestions is such a pleasure to have.
    So that is why I'm attempting to get all my old roleplay buddies active on this website again, and I'm begging for the handful of members still here to help in any way possible. Please, if you can, absolutely anything that you can do to help would be appreciated more than I myself could ever express. Contact people who haven't been gone that long, even if that means just dropping a message on their profile. Post on other forums you're active on! If you have any ideas for posts or roleplays, throw them up here! Just please, if there's anything you can do...Do it! Don't let KHPlanet die!
    Save our site!

    (Also, as a sidenote, even though I already mentioned it, if you haven't yet give a thank you to @Angel . Seriously, having a site-owner that checks in all the time and is active and helpful makes this forum so much more enjoyable! So, even though this is long overdue, thank you so much, Angel! You have made this site so much better! *tips hat* okay that's enough butt-kissing for now. xD )

    Thanks for your time everyone who bothered to read this! And a HUGE thanks to anyone that acts on these words! I'll be doing my part trying to contact folks, so who knows! Maybe we can keep this forum rollin! :D
    Angel likes this.
  2. NeRo

    NeRo Your Supreme Lord And Savior Staff Member Administrator

    We're all very thankful to Angel, if anyone most of all i am. i used to run this site with my bare hands and he saw how much work i put in going through owner after owner and even the recent one who i thought would be helpful turned to be a bust. He's done a splendid job the only problem is....

    Forum's themselves are a less involved Media than they used to be back in the early years. Now a days people have personal blogs, Tumblr followings, twitch communities, Kotaku's polygons. so on and so forth that make going to a forum a bit of a last resort. of course the RP community is what keeps most of them alive. You can venture over to KHInsider which was always the BIG DOG in the forum community and even they are doing bad numbers, not bad but a shell of its former self.

    We do our best to keep the lights on but im no longer expecting a large influx of members. a lot of people have either grown away from it, or on to other things. All we can do is hope that hype of games ie Kingom hearts 3 FF15 and FF7 news bring folks over. or we really focus on making the RP area more involved and more active.
    Angel likes this.
  3. Angel

    Angel Lion Heart Staff Member Administrator

    ^_^. @Key King , I appreciate you making this thread. Haha. I've had khplanet for almost a year now, and made plenty of changes and still I plan on making 2016 even better than last year. 2015, I focused more on a new web design and building content. Well this year, it'll be more focus towards increasing traffic and even more content. I doubt the forum will get too much traction but there are many changes that I still would like to make to it.
  4. Key King

    Key King Member

    @Vox That makes a whole lotta sense, since the only thing forums really offer is roleplay, but even then there are other sites that top us there, so the fall from glory of the forum makes sense. (Also, I don't believe we've ever truly spoken, and I was unaware of your extreme dedication to this site for a very long time, but thank you too man! You don't get enough gratitude for what you did for this site, but seriously at least here's a huge thanks from me!)

    @Angel No problem! This site is functioning so much better than the last time I was here, and I couldn't be happier! I'm glad to help keep this place alive! I really appreciate the work you and everyone else are all doing, and if there's anything at all I can do to help, I'd be more than happy to do whatever!

    Coming back here and actually getting to interact with the staff and few other remaining members has really shown me the real reason this site is so great. We have the best goddamn community ever. Seriously, even though I've been gone for so long, and all of my former pals have pretty much split, everyone here has been so welcoming to me and I appreciate it so much! You guys are so great! Having such a helpful staff and friendly community makes KHP a joy! I'm so happy to be a member of such a great forum!

    So, after coming back and remembering just what makes this place awesome, and seeing everything you guys have done, I seriously want to work hard and try to pitch in my best effort, because you folks have gone above and beyond expectations.

    A hearty thanks to all the uncredited (and credited) users, be they offline or active, who have kept this awesome website afloat. If there's ever anything I can do, you know where to find me! Please just give me a shout and i'd be happy to do whatever! ^_^
  5. Become

    Become Resident Tashian Staff Member Moderator Content Writer

    Can we guarantee that these people will be able and willing to participate in other foruming activity if it is provided? We can't keep this site afloat with just roleplaying, unfortunate; the only exception would be if we were to transition ourselves into a primarily roleplay-based community, which I know for sure isn't in anyone's vision; though, admittedly, it would probably give us a slightly more survivable niche, considering that RP sites seem to be among the more active ones as forums go.
  6. Key King

    Key King Member

    I do believe so. You'd probably know most of them, and when they were all active back on the site they did quite a bit of things around here.

    Also, I've been posting on other forums attempting to gain new membership, so while I can't vouch for any of the users that might attract, I'm hoping it'll be enough to give us a boost.

    Here's hoping!
  7. Hello! I'm 2 quid and I'm one of the people that Key King managed to send over your way! I'll try to be active, because I really know what it feels like to be attached to a site that needs saving.
  8. NeRo

    NeRo Your Supreme Lord And Savior Staff Member Administrator

    Another idea would be a site merger. combining 2 places may be a good chance at survival that's how EO was created after all.
  9. Key King

    Key King Member

    Welcome @2 quid is good ! Thanks for your time and effort!

    @Vox that's not a bad idea at all! If we could find another site willing that would be awesome!
  10. NeRo

    NeRo Your Supreme Lord And Savior Staff Member Administrator

    it'd be fun but i have trust issues with other admin's not sure i'm willing to give anyone the same amount of power me and Angel have lol can't be sure you can trust folks these days with mod/admin powers. not sure of any other sites though that are in a drought. if you run into any bring them my way and we can negotiate.
  11. From what I've seen the only site merger that actually worked was the kanzenshuu dragon Ball forum. All the other kh sites on the Internet would never want a merger because no offence but they just wouldn't respect you. The only one I could think of that would be respectful is kh ultimania but that died.
  12. Key King

    Key King Member

    Okay, I'll be sure to keep my eyes peeled, and I understand that bringing someone we don't know into power around here could be kinda risky. Good plan though, Vox!

    So far, my cousin Xeren has made a return, TheKnightofAwesome plans to come back here pretty soon. I'm attempting to reach Kairi831 at the moment, along with BK and Zacax. I've also posted on a few different forums so far, which has roped in a single member! I'm not doing too bad! xD
    Angel likes this.
  13. Become

    Become Resident Tashian Staff Member Moderator Content Writer

    @Angel, I think we have a candidate for recruitment maestro.
    2 quid is good and Angel like this.
  14. Key King

    Key King Member

    haha, that's very kind, Become :p

    I'm just trying to help out!
  15. Become

    Become Resident Tashian Staff Member Moderator Content Writer

    Anyways, if we really want to draw membership from other sites though, it's advisable to seek out places that actually allow for advertising in some way, shape, or form. I know there are some places that allow for making threads advertising other sites, but they often come at the price of us allowing them to advertise here, which might not bode well in our favor; heck, I'm not even sure any such site would want to engage in that with us, seeing as how few people are actually here.

    At best, they'd say that we're too small to be of interest to them.
    At worst, they'd advertise here and steal our potential members.
  16. NeRo

    NeRo Your Supreme Lord And Savior Staff Member Administrator

    That's not entirely true, at a point when we were at our lowest marker this site merged with KH3.net and became EnixOrigin. a square enix Fan site and it did well for a solid year. the site still exist and i still frequent it. a merger is possible with anyone as long as both sides are willing.
  17. Key King

    Key King Member

    Honestly, this is just a tricky topic. There isn't really a GREAT way to go about drawing in membership.

    Unless we are merging another site into this one, that will essentially just kill this forum and start a new one, like with Enix Origin, which is dead now too. That goes against my whole point, which is saving this site.

    Honestly, the merger with Enix Origin was the main reason I left. After that, so many people were inactive and most of the people who had stuck around left to the new site. I just never saw the reason for it. And now it's pretty dead too so that really was only a temporary fix.

    But I digress. I think unless a merger looks just perfect, I'd prefer to go the route of just attracting more members. We just need to figure out what the best way to do that is.
  18. Avalantos

    Avalantos Mr. Detective

    Honestly, forums as a medium are pretty dead. Reddit has risen up and taken over one of my favourite things (though I have had 0 time to use this over the past 6 years.)

    All I can suggest is using the site for yourselves as opposed to trying for others (etc etc blah blah blah)
  19. Kitty

    Kitty I Survived The BG Massacre Staff Member Administrator

    I have to agree with Avalantos in that forums are just not as popular as they once were, and no matter what we do, I doubt we could ever pull the kind of numbers of members we used to pull in the old days.

    That said, I also agree with him saying that we should use the site for ourselves, rather than waste time trying to come up with more and more desperate ways to attract new people. I don't think another merger would be a good idea. If the people who are here now and interested would just post in all of the sections, rather than just the roleplay, that would certainly go a long way towards making me post more again, and would help make the site look more attractive to people who stumble across it.

    Thanks for forgetting me, @Vox! I see how it is. >_<
    Last edited: Jan 10, 2016
    Angel likes this.
  20. EtherealSummoner

    EtherealSummoner Lamentations 3:22-26

    Heh. Come back and this caught my attention. Hope everyone do not mind me bumping this.

    @Angel You are a true bro. It's been... 5 years now... or was it 4? ... Oh. I came to this site around 2009 so... -_- dang. Been 7 years and was gone for 3 of them. You have been doing well and I was grateful when you took over the site from Tradedemon. The site will grow. It just need some new attractions. Keep it up bro.

    @Key King This is my perspective. If we are going to do another site merger, everyone MUST be in one accord and have the same agreement. When EO was created, it was not only between KHPlanet and KH Ultimania but it was also with another site called... um... I think it was Square Box... or Enix BOx... or something like that... I cannot remember at all. All I know is that I was acquainted with the owner of the square enix site when I joined his forum around 2011 and in 2013 he followed me here to talk to Vox and the leader of Ultimania, brought the three sites together and from what I can remember, it was going good at EO, but then people where at each other throats from what I've heard for months. Mergers are good, provided that we do not imitate a Democrat vs Republican-type style. Speaking of which, I need to drop by and say hi to the site owner there. It has been 3 years.

    As for the site itself, there are other video games out there and me being a Video Game Designer, it is more than Kingdom Hearts. The new Pokken Tournament Pokemon game, the new Fire Emblem, Dark Souls, Hyrule Warriors Legend and in June, Star Ocean 5 is coming out. For a couple of years, it has been difficult to begin with in talking about Kingdom Hearts because the news on it were and slowly picked up around 2013/14. If the site became more than Kingdom Hearts (Or talk more about the games in other sections if not having the site become one about games in general). Honestly though, this site has always been about roleplaying (More so roleplaying than Kingdom Hearts to be honest) and to go back bringing back roleplaying is a sad attempt (Sorry but now that I am older and understand media even more, I am not sure why aiming for more roleplays would have different results for this site. Gives no nutrients or any fertilizer to even keep the plant going beyond that). The site requires more than that and because the public wants to be attracted to more than one serving, give them a variety.

    I am willing to help (Even though I am heading towards my Video game making career, doing bible studies with people, job, working on my portfolio, etc and blah blah blah), just hit me up through email, Facebook, Skype or whichever way you can to reach me and I will see what I can do or provide suggestions. Angel now has the power over the site now. He is able to change whatever he sees fit so my suggestion is to make the other sections bigger or have the site become more than just Kingdom Hearts. Keep on staying alive loves.
    Last edited: Apr 15, 2016
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