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Once Upon A Time

Discussion in 'Poetry and Lyrics' started by Consilum, Aug 5, 2012.

  1. Consilum

    Consilum New Member

    Write about a world without a pen or a computer. Write about how that would reflect your life.

    Once upon a time,
    We were without pens,
    We were without computers,
    We had to use ink,
    But not from a pen. Oh no!
    It was with a feather — a single feather.

    Once upon a time,

    We were without words.
    Our voice was silenced.
    We had no free speech.
    The government held our tongue.
    We had to make our own words.
    We had to produce our own sound.

    Once upon a time,

    There was limited resources.
    No plastic to make pens.
    No electricity to power laptops.
    No light to aid our sight.
    Nothing but a simple candle
    A simple candle and its flickering light.

    Once upon a time,

    I had a dream.
    Yes a dream without pens
    A dream without words
    A dream without technology.
    This was a frightening dream,

    So, I woke up.

    I woke up and took my pen.
    I woke up and took my computer.
    I took out my paper and wrote.
    I opened up notepad and typed.
    My thoughts went on the paper.
    My dreams came out on the computer screen.

    Once upon a time,

    I had a dream without pens,
    But that was just a dream.
    Nothing more than an unconscious vision.
    This vision went away,
    And I peacefully found solace.
    I found solace in the fabrication that is reality.
    Last edited: Aug 6, 2012
    EtherealSummoner likes this.
  2. EtherealSummoner

    EtherealSummoner Lamentations 3:22-26

    ... This is awesome. You have made a poem that can make people think as to what would happen if we lost all of the current development now. :) Can be scary but I wouldn't mind using feathers to write. XD I find that pretty neat. Is this for class?
  3. Consilum

    Consilum New Member

    I wish lol. I actually did it for a poetry contest on a poetry site.
  4. EtherealSummoner

    EtherealSummoner Lamentations 3:22-26

    You did on a poetry site? Nice. However, just to warn you, make sure that one of those poetry sites are not scamming sites. They tend to take your money and act as though they are the ones who have made the poetry.
  5. Consilum

    Consilum New Member

    Oh, it's not a site like that. It's much like a forum where you can chit-chat with others about poetry and such. You take part in contests to get points where you can host contests yourself. Some people do put up money as a reward, but that's a rarity, as far as I know.

    And yes, I know some sites out there scam upcoming poets out of their money. A damn shame, too. Those people make the scumbags of the Earth look like angels.

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