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KHPlanet Content Writers

Discussion in 'Archive' started by Angel, Apr 12, 2014.

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  1. Angel

    Angel Lion Heart Staff Member Administrator


    KHPlanet needs writers, more specifically content writers! Content Writers provide relevant content for the website. This includes and not limited to any Kingdom Hearts related news, original articles, guides, and exclusive tips and tricks.

    So, who's eligible?

    Everyone is! But there are certain requirements that you must possess in order to get the position.
    1. Above average grammar
    2. And a love for the game

    That's all?!

    It sure is. You'll be able to work alongside the staff of KHPlanet and pick up various tricks such as keyword optimization and CSS styling, You'll be a grade "A" content writer when we teach you.

    So, the perks?

    There are no perks at all unless you don't mind having your articles on the front page, becoming a staff member, moderation status over the Kingdom Hearts News forum, and access to behind-the-scenes forums.

    How do I apply?

    You'll have to contact the head lady in charge of the main site, Destiny! Tell her that you are interested and she'll see about giving you a test run.

    Not really feeling "a content writer", but still want to help out?

    KHPlanet is also looking for editors. You'll be fixing grammatical and syntax errors. More on this later.

    Help Us, Help You
    Last edited: Apr 13, 2014
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