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Jessica Jones

Discussion in 'Movies and Television' started by Kitty, Feb 15, 2016.

  1. Kitty

    Kitty I Survived The BG Massacre Staff Member Administrator


    Anyone watch this show? I just finished the first season up the other night, and I've really enjoyed it. Jessica is an interesting type of character that you don't see too often. I thought Krysten Ritter did a very good job portraying a woman trying to survive after a traumatic experience, plus Jessica is just one tough, badass bitch, and it's cool to see leading ladies like that.

    I've read the Alias comics that the show is loosely based on, and while I thought the story was better told in the comics, I enjoyed watching it unfold on the show, too (it's very different in a lot of ways, so it kept things interesting).

    David Tennant makes for a great, slime-bag villain, and made it scary to think about what a person with the sort of power his character has could really do with it, and how powerless he makes everyone. I thought he played off Krysten really well, too. They had an interesting dynamic.

    I don't know, I just really liked getting to watch a series about a strong Marvel lady, as they aren't really used so well in the MCU, and I'm curious to see what happens in season 2 when it comes out.

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