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Favorite Character

Discussion in 'Final Fantasy IX' started by Kitty, Jan 30, 2008.

Fave character?

  1. Zidane

  2. Garnet/Dagger

  3. Eiko

    0 vote(s)
  4. Steiner

    0 vote(s)
  5. Vivi

  6. Quina

    0 vote(s)
  7. Amarant

  8. Freya

  9. Kuja

  10. Other

  1. Kitty

    Kitty I Survived The BG Massacre Staff Member Administrator

    So who's yours?

    Mine's Zidane. It was nice having a main character who was not all emo and conflicted all the time. Zidane was a funny, yet sweet guy. What other main character would pinch someone's ass? Stealing was also damn useful in this game and Thievery pwned during the toughest boss fights. Even if I could get rid of him, I'd keep Zidane in my party.
  2. Demi Shock

    Demi Shock Guest

    lol, Amarant obviously. If you note his attacks, then you'll realize where I got the idea for my alias.

    Also, Kuja is the second best.
  3. Avalantos

    Avalantos Mr. Detective

    no Blank... no vote...
  4. EbeneezerAl

    EbeneezerAl New Member

    That's what the "other" option is there for. Can't fit every character in the game into a 10 option poll, :p.

    As for me, it's Vivi all the way. Not just my favorite FFIX character, but my favorite FF character period. He may not say much, but he's one of the most complex characters of the series. His struggle to come to terms with his own existence and origins is one of the best elements of the FFIX story. And the scenes with him and the other black mages are some of the most touching moments of the game. I was actually kinda choked up at the end of the game understanding that he's dying. It's the closest to tears any part of any story, book, movie, or game has ever gotten me. I didn't actually cry, but I was pretty damn choked up.

    Not to mention that in battle, Vivi was damn useful. Paired with Steiner, who is probably my second favorite character, the combination of black magic and magic sword can be devestating. to elemental enemies. And Doomsday is just mean with the proper equipment setup.
  5. Crossfault

    Crossfault New Member


    mines vivi
  6. EbeneezerAl

    EbeneezerAl New Member

    Try to say a bit more in your post. Discussion is encouraged, and makes the forum better. ;)
  7. Avalantos

    Avalantos Mr. Detective

    I know, but In my opinion Blank deserves a spot on his own. So I am protesting by not voting. :p
  8. Kitty

    Kitty I Survived The BG Massacre Staff Member Administrator

    ^I agree he's awesome. But he's not exactly one of the main characters. There's so many party members in this game that they took up all the voting space. <_<

    You should vote anyway though. That's what polls are for.
  9. Tifa_03

    Tifa_03 New Member

    i choose Vivi!!!
  10. Black Mage Moogle

    Black Mage Moogle New Member

    I like Vivi. Although he seems a lil quiet and shy. But he has powerful black magic and i think hes adorable too.
  11. alexchewy

    alexchewy New Member

    vivi woooooooo mage
  12. Ruxath

    Ruxath New Member

    Freya *gives the Dragon Claw salute* because she is a Dragoon and has a good personallity. Though I also like... everyone else in the game except the elephant lady and the demon clowns... (Zidane and Dagger especially)
  13. Default_User

    Default_User New Member

    Amarant... surely. Just his attitude, his personality.... a evoluted thief, i could say, Zidane annoyed me after a while. And Amarant attacks are really powerful, as well.
  14. hidden_villain

    hidden_villain New Member

    quina lv 30 kill grand dragon lv 60 in 1-hit kill, with lv5 death and all your party will lvl up drastic

    JIMMER45KHB New Member

    Zidane is my fav
  16. dualblade

    dualblade Break!

    Vivi is my favorite (3rd fav overall for all FFs)
    zidane,eiko,and blank do come close though.Vivi just had something about him that made me like him.mabye its cause he is kinda like a child,but still kicks butt majorly while trying to figure out who he is.He is a complicated character,yet also seems simple.he could beat everyone in the game too
  17. RoxasZ4

    RoxasZ4 New Member

    kuja ive always been a fan of the badguys. kuja was cool expecally wen he/she water it was turned into trance kuja. i never really knew if he/she was a boy or girl.
  18. cozzy_0205

    cozzy_0205 New Member

    I really like Zidane he reminds me of myself with a tail and blonde hair... ah memories.
  19. Master Gilgamesh

    Master Gilgamesh New Member

    Kain Highwind FF IV
    dragoons rule forever!!!
  20. Master Gilgamesh

    Master Gilgamesh New Member

    whoops, wrong game,
    FF9 vivi black mage, gotta love them

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