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Bitter betrayal and soothing farewell

Discussion in 'Poetry and Lyrics' started by KeybladeofDOOM, May 11, 2012.

  1. I sit here inside such a beautiful place without yoiu, remembering what you did... how could you?
    I was just starting to get my life back on track and going full speed, until you took that blunt object and beat me until I bleed.
    You didn't seem to care as my bones broke and my body fell apart, I just lay there upon the coldness of your heart.
    As I gasp my last few breaths to ask why, you turned and walked away right as I die.

    You didn't come when they put me in the ground, you didn't care as they threw dirt on me mound by mound.
    You continued on with your life without me, becoming everything I thought you'd never be.
    As I watch you from above, crying my eyes out all the time because I miss you my love.
    Then one day I saw you at the site I was buried, you placed the ring I gave you on the headstone the one I gave you when we got married.

    Your face was covered in tears, as you thought back to all those years.
    When you got up to leave something happened I hadn't in a while, "I love you" came from your lips along with a smile.
    You then kissed the spot above where my body lay motionless and deceased, now I can finally rest in peace.
    "I'm sorry" would have egstinguished those flames of our hell, this all started with a bitter betrayal but ended in a soothing farewell.

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