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Last Activity:
Dec 13, 2021
Aug 24, 2007
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Awarded Medals 1

Nov 13, 1985 (Age: 38)
Kentucky, USA


I Survived The BG Massacre, Female, 38, from Kentucky, USA

Staff Member Administrator
Kitty was last seen:
Dec 13, 2021
    1. Plasmos
      1. Kitty likes this.
    2. Taboo Sho
      Taboo Sho
      Well hey there Kitty, how are you hanging in there?
      1. Kitty
        Doing all right, how about you?
        Nov 23, 2020
        Taboo Sho likes this.
      2. Taboo Sho
        Taboo Sho
        Doing pretty good honestly. Sorry, it's been a really hard couple of months
        Feb 3, 2021
        Kitty likes this.
      3. Kitty
        Hope it gets better
        Feb 3, 2021
    3. Become
      1. Kitty likes this.
    4. NeRo
      well hell, how you doin girl
      1. Kitty likes this.
      2. Kitty
        Doing pretty well. How have you been? It's been a long while.
        Jun 13, 2019
    5. NeRo
      1. Kitty likes this.
      2. Kitty
        How are you? I haven't been on here in forever- I've been working like crazy and lately my internet's been fucked. I feel like we haven't caught up in ages.
        Aug 19, 2018
        NeRo likes this.
    6. NeRo
      Kitty waifu, do you have discord ? Pls say yes I wanna catch up with you or Facebook? I need my kitty pls
      1. Kitty likes this.
      2. Kitty
        No, I don't have discord and my Facebook account is my business account- I don't have a personal one. :(
        Jan 31, 2018
      3. NeRo
        you're a real hard cat to catch ya knowthat? lol
        Feb 1, 2018
        Kitty likes this.
    7. Angel
      College classes?! I must know what's going on in your life!!!
      1. View previous comments...
      2. Kitty
        Pretty sure I don't remember how to do calculus anymore.
        Jan 29, 2018
      3. Angel
        Calculus is ridiculous. I don't think it was ever a requirement for me so when I took it. It was a like learning multiplication for the first time while being set on fire.
        Feb 25, 2018
        Kitty likes this.
      4. Kitty
        I took AP Calc in high school. At the time, I didn't have much trouble with it- ended up with As in the class. But I don't do much besides basic math anymore on a regular basis, so I think any math class now would be like being set on fire.
        Feb 25, 2018
    8. Taboo Sho
      Taboo Sho
      Kitty cat, could you make me a sig based off my avatar please. You can have free reign on it.
      1. Kitty
        Send me the stock image you want. It'll probably be some time next week because I'm visiting family over the weekend.
        Dec 14, 2017
        Taboo Sho likes this.
    9. NeRo
      im fairly certain i hella miss you.
      1. Kitty likes this.
      2. Kitty
        Miss you too. I was just thinking we should have a gfx battle of some sort. I'm starting to relearn photoshop again.
        Dec 10, 2017
      3. NeRo
        im gettig back into it as well lets totally do that! also join discord. i need you.
        Dec 12, 2017
        Kitty likes this.
      4. Kitty
        Maybe after the holidays are over we can put a contest of some sort together?

        I don't think I would have much to add to the discord. But we do need to talk more!
        Dec 12, 2017
    10. Become
      1. Kitty likes this.
      2. Kitty
        Dec 6, 2017
      3. Become
        Dec 21, 2017
        Kitty likes this.
    11. Taboo Sho
      Taboo Sho
      What is that Avie though.
      1. Kitty likes this.
      2. Kitty
        That's the "Fuck it, I'm too lazy to make an Avatar" default. It's great, huh?
        Nov 26, 2017
        Nova and Taboo Sho like this.
    12. Taboo Sho
      Taboo Sho
      Happy belated kitty cat
      1. Kitty
        Thank you!
        Nov 20, 2017
        Taboo Sho likes this.
    13. Taboo Sho
      Taboo Sho
      Kitty, my friend! Life treating you good?
      1. Kitty likes this.
      2. Kitty
        Busy, but relatively good. How are you?
        Sep 25, 2017
        Taboo Sho likes this.
      3. Taboo Sho
        Taboo Sho
        It's been stressful as of late, but I'm getting by. It's all we can really ask for these days, just to get by.
        Sep 25, 2017
        Kitty likes this.
    14. NeRo
      Man i sure do miss you.
      1. Kitty likes this.
      2. View previous comments...
      3. Kitty
        That sucks that you've had some bad times, but good on you, taking on Youtube. My ten year old nephew thinks himself a youtuber- his videos are super cringy, but I love him too much to discourage him, and so far, he's so non-existent, no one is being mean to him. Youtube comments are usually a cesspool.
        Sep 24, 2017
      4. NeRo
        LOL yea YT comments are literlaly the worst places on the internet. i hope my content isnt cringe but i've had my moments
        Sep 24, 2017
      5. Kitty
        Considering you're not ten, I figure your videos are at least above the cringe level :P. My kiddo's trying, but he's making Lets Play type videos with a shitty phone camera, and he doesn't know how to edit much, either, or write up a script. His other aunt and I were thinking about getting him a nice camera and a computer for Christmas if he's serious about it.
        Sep 24, 2017
        NeRo likes this.
    15. Keyblade Master Roxas
      Keyblade Master Roxas
      Hey Kitty loooooong time
      1. Kitty
        Yep. How have you been?
        Jun 23, 2017
        Keyblade Master Roxas likes this.
      2. Keyblade Master Roxas
        Keyblade Master Roxas
        I've been okay just living in PR now and its so hot
        Jun 23, 2017
        Kitty likes this.
    16. Become
      <3 <3 <3
    17. Taboo Sho
      Taboo Sho
      So Kitty, my friend, my pal, how goes the figurative battle?
      1. Kitty
        It continues on. How have you been lately?
        Apr 22, 2017
      2. Taboo Sho
        Taboo Sho
        Some days are worse then others, but otherwise not too shabby.
        Apr 22, 2017
        Kitty likes this.
    18. Angel
      I've always been a fan of Steven King's movies. "It" is definitely on my list of watchables. I can't help but appreciate Pennywise for scaring the crap out of children. Children are so bad.
      1. Kitty likes this.
      2. Kitty
        The movies based on his horror books, at least the ones I've seen, tend to be more ridiculous than scary. But IT is one of my favorite books ever, so I'm feeling optimistic. I agree with you about Pennywise; some days I'd really love to scare the shit out of the kids I work with. Horrible brats.
        Apr 6, 2017
    19. Become
      Bork Bork at the kitty.
      1. Kitty likes this.
      2. Derek
        @Kitty *gets laser pointer* :3
        Apr 6, 2017
        Kitty likes this.
      3. Become
        Apr 6, 2017
      4. Derek
        *wiggles laser dot around* :3c
        Apr 6, 2017
    20. Derek
      *slow claps* That immediate thread shut down was beautiful~<3
      1. Angel and Oath like this.
      2. View previous comments...
      3. Kitty
        I just don't see the point. It's obvious by now that we aren't feeling it. Why keep trying?

        Really, probably half of the members left barely even like KH anymore, let alone want to dissect it to that sort of level.
        Mar 16, 2017
        Oath likes this.
      4. Derek
        @OathkeeperXIII Eh the way I see it, and I say this because I've seen his sh*t for two sites now, uses it as an excuse for his behavior.
        Mar 17, 2017
      5. Derek
        @Kitty Obsessive tendencies is all I can figure. Whether due to actual problems or just how he is.

        Honestly I only like Kh1 and wait to see KH3 ends. Whether I bother anymore is yet to decided. I think that's the same for a lot of fans given the slow death of forums and other sites. Seems like only arts of KH still flow strong.
        Mar 17, 2017
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  • About

    Nov 13, 1985 (Age: 38)
    Kentucky, USA
    Way too lazy to fill this out. Ask if interested.
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